About the hosting organization
The hosting organization, Erasmus University Rotterdam, is recognized for it's Master Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship at the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication (ESHCC), one of the first Master Programs around creative industries in the world and consistently ranked among the top five programs in arts management. While the master and most research and education around the arts and the cultural industries are embedded at ESHCC, more scholars from other faculties, such as the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), the Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil), the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB), and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), are working on topics in this field.
Erasmus University Rotterdam is one of the founding partners of the EIT Culture&Creativity, playing a pivotal role in the development of a future proof cultural and creative industries sector and services in Europe.
Organizing committee
Local program
- Valeria Morea (Assistant Professor, ESHCC)
- Carolina Dalla Chiesa (Assistant Professor, ESHCC)
- Lenia Marques (Assistant Professor, ESHCC)
- Trilce Navarrete Hernandez (Assistant Professor, ESHCC)
- Yvonne van Everdingen (Professor, RSM)
Finance (budget and sponsorships)
- Christian Handke (Associate Professor, ESHCC)
- Astrid Manden-Benneker (Innovation & Partnership Manager, ERS)
- Ellen Loots (Associate Professor, ESHCC)
- Mariangela Lavanga (Associate Professor, ESHCC)
- Astrid Manden-Benneker (Innovation & Partnership Manager, ERS)
- Trilce Navarrete Hernandez (Assistant Professor, ESHCC)
- Ellen Loots (Associate Professor, ESHCC)
- Astrid Manden-Benneker (Innovation & Partnership Manager, ERS)
- Barbara van der Schoot (Event Manager, ERS)
- Jacqueline Kolpa (Project Manager, ERS)