Impact evaluation can help EUR employees demonstrate, describe and share the impact, learning and value that they make for society. As part of the 'Fostering societal impact' strategy theme, the project on Evaluating Societal Impact (ESI) supports the development of an EUR wide approach for impact evaluation that is embedded in a deliberate, goal-oriented process of impact governance on all relevant levels and within all the core activities of the EUR. ESI is learning as it goes. We take time to stop, reflect and adjust our course when we need to. We want to help you do the same.
Who are we?
Meet the ESI-team!
ESI aims to design and implement a broadly supported framework (methods, tools, templates et cetera) of evaluating societal impact that is consistent with the identity of Erasmus University. Our work covers the following areas:
Area | ESI contribution |
Impact evaluation and activities |
Impact ambition and -strategy |
Impact environment and capacity |
- Tools and resources: in our toolbox we provide a selection of relevant methods and guides to get started with impact evaluation and ways to set your projects up for impact from the start.
- Case Studies: To make use of and test out various impact evaluation methods, ESI researchers have conducted multiple case studies across different faculties. Read how we made use of evaluation methods, how we set up these assessments and what we learned from using them in practice. The case studies can be found at the bottom of the corresponding method that was used.
- Advice and peer review: We can provide advice and peer review on societal impact evaluation. In the past we have hosted workshops on formulating an impact strategy and theory of change. We also peer reviewed the formulation of impact narratives for SEP. For further information, please contact us.
Impact Dialogues: a conversation about societal impact
To work with an embedded and positive impact culture as EUR community, we need to develop a shared understanding of what societal impact entails that pays tribute to the diversity within the EUR. You are invited to join a series of dialogue sessions where you can connect to colleagues and share insights about creating societal impact in your daily work.
"Living labs can really reduce gap between science and society"
Contact us!
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