23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics

24-27 June 2025 hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Overview Rotterdam Campus Woudestein


Erasmus University Rotterdam is proud to host the 23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics organized by the Association of Cultural Economics International (ACEI).

The conference marks half a century since the founding of the ACEI in the 1970s, returning to the Netherlands where the second edition of the conference was held in 1982. While the ACEI communicates its scientific output via the Journal of Cultural Economics International, the bi-annual conference represents the beacon for cultural economics research exchange. This conference is the oldest and one of the most esteemed gatherings in the social sciences concerning arts and culture. It is also one of the most inclusive and diverse major events in economics, attracting many speakers, methods, and contexts. The conference brings together a diverse range of scholars and practitioners from around the world that share an interest in research into the economic aspects of the arts and culture.

The methods and approaches used in research are not strictly limited to economics, and the conference welcomes contributions from a range of disciplines that facilitate a better understanding of economic, business, social, and policy aspects related to the arts and culture, and more in general cultural and creative industries.  The conference is open to scholars in business studies, public policy, sociology, the humanities—with particular emphasis on digital humanities—as well as other relevant fields.

Important Travel Advisory for ACEI Conference Attendees

We would like to inform you of an important travel consideration for those attending the ACEI conference in Rotterdam. During the same period, NATO will hold its conference in The Hague (close by Rotterdam), which may affect hotel availability and travel logistics. Closer to the ACEI conference we will inform you in more detail what effect the NATO SUMMIT 2025 will have on public transport in and around Rotterdam.

Outline of the programme

Future of the Creative Sector

Join the Erasmus University Rotterdam Program “The Future of the Creative Sector” on Tuesday, 24 June 2025. Expect a day about the challenges and opportunities of the creative sector together with policymakers, academics, industry, and professionals. 

We especially invite our alumni from the MA Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship. 

This day is hosted by Erasmus University Rotterdam and free of charge for those attending. Please make sure you register for this event (24 June)  via the green button register here! above.

Young Researchers Workshop 24th of June

As customary, the conference will start with the Young Researchers Workshop, a platform for emerging scholars to present and discuss their work with invited senior researchers. 

The Young Researchers Workshop is part of the Academic Conference, please make sure you register for the entire Academic Conference (24-27 June) via the green button register here! above.

Conference days

The ACEI conference runs from 24 to 27 June 2025 and will officially be opened on Tuesday evening 24 June 2025.

Over time we will share more detailed information on the academic and social programs of the conference. You will find ticket fees in the in the Academic Conference Pricelist below.

The timing and content of the individual daily programs mentioned below are subject to small changes.

09:30Opening Words
10:00Keynote by Ruth Towse
11:00Coffee Break
11:15Alumni panel discussion
12:30Networking lunch
14:00Policymakers and Cultural institutes panel
15:30Coffee Break
16:00Cultural Entrepreneurship panel
17:00Opening reception

11:15Plenary session
12:001st session
14:002nd session
15:003rd session
16:004rd session

09:00Welcome words
09:10Keynote by Filip Vermeylen
10:00Parallel sessions
14:00Parallel sessions
15:00Coffee break
15:30Parallel sessions
18:00Drinks & Connections

09:00Parallel sessions
10:30Coffee break
11:00Keynote by Michela Giorcelli
12:00Lunch and Poster presentations
13:30Parallel sessions
15:00Coffee break
15:30Parallel sessions
19:00Conference dinner

09:00Parallel sessions
10:30Coffee break
11:00Keynote by Luis Cesar Herrero Prieto
13:00Parallel sessions
14:30Coffee break
15:00Panel: 50 Years of Cultural Economics: Reflections and Future Directions
16:00General Assembly
17:00Social event (tbd)

Keynote speakers

  • Ruth Towse is a professor at Bournemouth University, specializing in cultural economics and creative labor markets. Her recent research explores the impact of new technologies on creative industries. She authored A Textbook of Cultural Economics and co-authored the Handbook of Cultural Economics.  
  • Michela Giorcelli is an Associate Professor at UCLA, a research affiliate at multiple institutions, and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Economic History. Her research focuses on innovation, creativity, and intellectual property, with publications in top journals. 
  • Luis César Herrero-Prieto is a full professor at the University of Valladolid, specializing in cultural economics. His research covers cultural heritage, institutions, and cultural tourism, publishing in high scientific impact journals. He is President of the Association for Cultural Economics International. 
  • Filip Vermeylen, Professor of Global Art Markets at Erasmus University Rotterdam, specializes in the economics of art and culture. His research focuses on art market history, quality in visual arts, the role of intermediaries, and emerging markets like India. 

Important dates

  • October 2024: Call for Papers  

  • 15 February 2025: Submission Deadline   

  • Beginning of March 2025: Notification of acceptance   

  • Beginning of March 2025: Conference registration opens  

  • 1 June 2025: Deadline for submission of full papers 

  • 24-27 June 2025: 23rd International Conference on Cultural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

ACEI 2025 - Pricelist

 Early Bird*  Regular
ACEI Member€340€480
Non – member (incl 1 Year membership)**€470 (340+130)€610 (480+130)
Non – member (incl 2 Year membership)**€540 (340+200)€680 (480+200)
ACEI Student member€145€240
Student non -member (incl 1 Year membership)€220 (145+75)€315 (240+75)
Student non -member (incl 2 Year membership)€295 (145+150)€390 (240+150)
Conference dinner (in addition to your attendance to academic days 24-27 Juni )€65€65
Conference dinner (only)€100€100


  • *Early Bird rates are valid until April 15, 2025 (CET).
  • **Reduced price (includes online edition of Journal of Cultural Economics).
  • Registrants can receive a 100% refund up to 10 May 2025, a 50% refund between 11 May 2025 and 1st June 2025. There will be no refunds after 1 June 2025. The transaction costs of 5,85 will be diminished from the original fee.


For all inquiries concerning the conference, please contact acei2025@eur.nl



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