Welcome to the Beadle’s Office
The Beadle’s Office undertakes and supervises the PhD defence ceremony procedure on behalf of the Rector of Erasmus University Rotterdam. It organises and prepares academic ceremonies such as PhD defence ceremonies, inaugural speeches, valedictory speeches, the opening of the academic year and the celebration of the Dies Natalis, or anniversary of the university. The Beadle’s Office also has an advisory role in other university events, such as graduations and awarding degree certificates, presenting prizes and honours, and speeches. The Beadle’s Office takes care of Erasmus University Rotterdam's academic rituals.
Contact Beadle's Office
- Email address
- pedel@eur.nl
- Phone
- 0031 10 408 1006
- Room
- Room A1-05 (near the Senaatszaal)
- Space
- Erasmus Gebouw
Visiting address: Woudestein - room A1-05 (near the Senaatszaal)
Visiting times: Monday through Friday between 9.30 hrs and 13.00 hrs (or by appointment).
Note: Due to busy times at the moment, we cannot assist you by telephone as quickly as we would like. We kindly request you to email your question to pedel@eur.nl, you will receive an answer within 3 working days. (21.01.2025)
PhD defence ceremonies
PhD defence ceremonies at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Inaugural speeches
Information on inaugural speeches at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Academic rituals
General information on academic rituals at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Hora Finita
For promovendi at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC