General contact information

Looking for the (postal) address of one of the locations? View the contact information here.
Executive Board

Would you like to get in touch with the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board? Contact their secretariats.
Information for students

Students can ask their questions at the Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC).
Press officers

Contact one of our press officers or read more about the services for journalists.
Calamities, emergencies and complaints
- In case of an emergency on campus, please call +31 10 408 1100
- In case of an emergency during your exchange (at EUR or abroad), please call +31 (0)6 408 47 882 (24/7)
- In case of questions, notifications or complaints, please call the Service Desk via +31 10 408 88 80
- For urgent assistance in life-threatening situations off campus, please call 112
- In case of a mental health crisis that involves suicidal thoughts, please call 113