
Science that matters
Annelien and Jantine walk in the cortège to the Aula.

With more than 3,000 scientists, we conduct research where we aim to make societal impact and contribute to the major challenges of our time.

  • Erasmus Professors

    An Erasmus Professor is a distinguished professor who works in a transdisciplinary way to achieve societal impact on strategic themes that are crucial to the EU
    Cortège of professors walk to Laurens Church.
  • Professors by Special Appointment Erasmus University Rotterdam

    External organisations (legal entities) may ask the Executive Board to appoint a Professor by Special Appointment at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
    Professor in front of group
  • Beadle's Office

    The Beadle’s Office organises academic ceremonies such as PhD defence ceremonies, inaugural speeches, Dies Natalis and more.
    Professors and beadle walk out with the staff.

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