A3C - Featured projects

Since the foundation of the Arts, Culture, and Creativity Community early Summer 2024 we highlight projects within the theme. Would you like your project to be featured here as well, please reach out to a3c@eur.nl

Cultuur&Campus Putselaan pioneers a novel approach to urban development through education, research, policy, and culture in Rotterdam South, an area that exemplifies the challenges and potential of one of Europe’s overlooked urban areas. 

By integrating theoretical, practical, and artistic knowledge with citizens' lived experiences, Cultuur&Campus Putselaan aims to create a vibrant site for dialogue and learning. Housed in a refurbished historical building designed by architecture students and local stakeholders, it will serve as a hub for students, residents, social enterprises, lecturers, and researchers, promoting community, art, and culture. 

The initiative focuses on co-designing impact-oriented curricula to make the area more sustainable and inclusive. This includes sustainable crafts workshops, lifelong learning formats, and Master level courses that engage and inspire participants. Cultuu&Campus Putselaan emphasizes participatory research and citizen science, enabling residents to influence urban development and providing insights into the area's challenges and opportunities. By evaluating these experiences, the project aims to identify effective strategies for territorial transformation through multi-stakeholder and multi-level collaborations.

  • Funding Programme: Horizon Europe 
  • Consortium Partners: 
    • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 
    • Gemeente Rotterdam 
    • Hogeschool Rotterdam 
    • Willem de Koning Academie 
    • Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten 
    • Buzinezzclub 
    • ICLEI 
    • ELIA 
    • Afrikaanderwijk Cooperatie
  • Website: putselaan.nl

RECHARGE focuses on stakeholder participation to enhance the value of cultural heritage and its institutions. The pandemic highlighted the crucial role of cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) in engaging citizens and promoting mental well-being through creative initiatives. However, these institutions faced financial challenges. RECHARGE aims to transform CHI stakeholder relationships into sustainable financial models to ensure their continuity.

Central to CHIs is participation, making communities stakeholders. RECHARGE utilizes ‘Living Labs’—iterative, participatory environments—as spaces for co-creating and prototyping business models. This collaborative process will be documented and analyzed, producing economic measures of effectiveness, sustainability indicators, and social and cultural valuations. These insights will inform the development of participatory business models.

Through thorough research and practical analysis in the Living Labs, RECHARGE will produce a comprehensive ‘Playbook’ with adaptable recipes for participatory business models tailored to local contexts. Input from participating CHIs testing these tools will enrich the knowledge base and shape the final deliverables. The RECHARGE Academy will engage CHI networks to transfer knowledge and build capacities, creating a tangible impact on the CHI landscape.

  • Funding Programme: Horizon Research and Innovation Actions; European Research Executive Council (REA)
  • Consortium Partners: 
    1. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands (Coordinator)
    2. Fundacja Centrum Cyfrowe, Poland
    3. Fundacion Platoniq, Spain
    4. Stichting Nederlands Instituut Voorbeeld En Geluid, Netherlands
    5. European Fashion Heritage Association, Italy
    6. Creativity Lab Ou, Estonia
    7. Universidad De Valladolid, Spain
    8. Maritime Museum (Sihtasutus Eesti Meremuuseum), Estonia
    9. Fondazione Museo Del Tessuto Di Prato, Italy
    10. The Hunt Museum, Ireland
  • Website: recharge-culture.eu

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