Erasmus Graduate School of Law
Ontvangst PhD

Erasmus Graduate School of Law is the Graduate School of Erasmus School of Law. Since the start of EGSL in September 2012, it has supported all PhD researchers at Erasmus School of Law throughout their PhD trajectory and guides them towards successful and timely completion of their PhD.

Erasmus Graduate School of Law provides a pleasant, supportive and international research environment in which critical reflection, a multidisciplinary approach of the various legal disciplines and the exchange of ideas and experience between PhD researchers and all other members of Erasmus School of Law play a substantial role. By creating inspiring and dynamic research- and work environments where senior and junior researchers meet and learn from each other, EGSL aims to deliver outstanding, socially engaged and inspired academic professionals.

Any questions?

On this page you can find the answers to frequently asked questions.

Foto van student met boek in Polak
Foto van Overzicht campus

PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Each year more than 300 academics complete their PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam. All faculties have their own doctorate programme, which normally amounts to a four-year track during which you perform research on a particular subject under the supervision of a professor.

More information

For a schematic overview of the recruitment and selection process, consult our flowchart.

Conference healthy PhD practices

Congres Healthy PhD Practices

Report conference the Role of the Supervisor

Erasmus University Rotterdam, 10 June 2024

Conference Role of the Supervisor


PhD Candidate Eva Meyermans Spelmans selected as Face of Science by KNAW

Als Faces of Science geven inspirerende onderzoekers een inkijkje in hun onderzoek en het leven als jonge wetenschapper
Eva Meyermans Spelmans

Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day 2025

A look back at Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day 2025.
Logo Erasmus School of Law

Report conference the Role of the Supervisor

On 10 June 2024, the conference The Role of the Supervisor took place. This conference was organized in the framework of the National Sector Plan for Law...
Conference Role of the Supervisor

Retrospect of Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day

On 30 January, 2024, the annual Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day took place. This day was dedicated to PhD candidates.
Logo Erasmus School of Law

Dutch law weighs heavily on people without residency rights

Mieke Kox of Erasmus School of Law researched, "How are Dutch laws and regulations experienced by people without the right of residence?"
Detention Centre in Rotterdam

Privacy protection: how secure are your online data?

Julia Krämer, PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Law, discusses online data protection in The Digital Period's podcast.
Julia Kramer

The distressing situation of migrant workers: "I do not want any deaths today, so be careful"

Ruben Timmerman, PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Law, speaks out in the Pointer programme about migrant workers losing their jobs due to illness.
zwart wit foto Ruben Timmerman

Jolien Kruit wins the prestigious Albert Lilar prize

Jolien talks about her passion for maritime law, her career, and her experiences as an external PhD candidate.
Jolien Kruit met haar prijs

Election period: how easy is it to amend the Constitution?

Nick Efthymiou and Wouter Scherpenisse delve into how the Constitution can be changed.
outline van een stem die in een stembus wordt gestopt

PhD Isabella’s ATLAS Agora experience in Toronto: learning from new perspectives

Isabella Regan, PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Law, represented Erasmus School of Law this year at the ATLAS Agora summer school in Toronto.
Researchers gathered and smiling


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