Though the EC system conveys how much time you will spend on a certain course, the moots can have an addictive nature. So to begin a slight warning, you might have too much fun to stop when your time, according to the EC system, is up.
What is a moot?
A ‘moot’ is a competition for lawyers in which legal arguments have to be brought both in written memoranda and in oral pleadings based on a fictional case while making use of (inter) national case law and all kinds of existing legal instruments. There are several universities that compete against each other, and if you decide to join this year, you will represent Erasmus School of Law in front of many students from universities from all around the world. Each moot is based on one case file that is the same for every university. Generally, all moot scenarios take place within a fictional country so that case law and approaches from many different jurisdictions can be used to develop arguments.
All teams are first expected to write a memorandum for both claimant and respondent. Based on those written memoranda, some moots will elect the teams that can move forward to the oral rounds, where the actual pleading occurs. Other moots will only use those memoranda to award prices for those who wrote the best memoranda within the competition. To see what applies, please look at the information for the individual moots.
After the written stage is over, teams will prepare for the oral rounds. The actual pleading on the case will also be done on both sides. Therefore, teams must be prepared to act as lawyers for both claimant and respondent.
We only participate in international moots. This requires travel of our participating mooties. Please check the information on the individual moots. The pleading will be judged by experienced arbitrators, judges, practitioners and professors from all over the world.