Diversity & Inclusion


Addressing current issues surrounding diversity and inclusion. That is what the Diversity & Inclusion platform of Erasmus School of Law has been working on with great enthusiasm since 2018. In this way we actively contribute to creating a safe learning and working environment and promoting social justice, which is essentially what our faculty stands for.

The platform makes every effort to embrace and support everyone within the diverse and colorful network of Erasmus School of Law. We do this, among other things, by connecting employees, supporting them, exchanging information and providing advice. Diversity Officer Prof. Franziska Weber, together with diverse members of the platform, ensures the implementation of Diversity & Inclusion within Erasmus School of Law.


What we do

  •  We initiate dialogue between presented diversity-related issues and appropriate actions.
  •  We stimulate and support initiatives.
  •  We inspire to take action.
  •  We highlight diversity and inclusion related issues.

What we are proud of

This calendar, developed by us in 2023, includes holidays of world religions, days of commemoration and awareness in the context of inclusion such as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, World Autism Day and International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. 

Are you missing a holiday or commemoration day? Please contact us!

The goal of the program was to connect first-generation students with experienced professionals from practice or academia. This allowed first-generation students to orient themselves towards a career in the legal profession or law, with an emphasis on developing professional skills. Scientific research shows that first-generation students experience special challenges during their studies, but especially during the transition to the professional world.

The ESL bachelor's programs work with problem-based learning (PBL); the majority of the educational material consists of so-called 'problems'. In these problems (similar to 'cases') actors appear.

 In the D&I Platform research, the actors in the problems are classified by gender (m/f/unknown), name (Western/non-Western) and status (low/neutral/high).

The purpose of this research was to determine whether there is diversity and equality in the educational material (e.g. equal distribution of men/women) and whether the actors in the educational material are somewhat representative of society and the student population (use of Western and non-Western names). Finally, it was examined to what extent the status of the actors is divided over the gender and background of the characters used.

The research was first conducted in 2019, after which discussions with teachers took place in which the results were shared. After two years, the study was conducted again to measure whether improvements had occurred.

The research shows that many courses show (small) positive changes. In many cases, more female actors are involved in their issues and the actors have a more diverse background. However, this does not apply to all subjects and unfortunately the differences are on average marginal.

In the coming period, the Diversity Platform will continue to work, in collaboration with all teachers, to make the educational material even more diverse and inclusive, so that the actors involved in the 'problems' are a good reflection of the (student) population.

The D&I Platform of ESL, in collaboration with Rechtbank Rotterdam, has organized several Meet & Greets for interested students. During these Meet & Greets ‘law, society and diversity’ was the primary theme. 

Among the speakers present were not only judges, but also judges in training. After each speaker introduced themself, the students were split into groups and matched per round with one of the speakers so that the students could ask them questions and start a conversation about the role of diversity within the justice system.

What others are proud of

A pleasant conversation with my mentor gave me a much better insight into what the work entails and what a day looks like. Of course, a recruiter can answer my questions just as well, but now I heard personal experiences from a different perspective, which - in addition - can be very valuable in making a career choice after your studies.

Why would you recommend participation to new (first-generation) students?

The big advantage of this great mentor program is that you can get to know each other more easily and in a very accessible way and connect with professionals in science, government and business that you would normally encounter less quickly.

A well-known saying is 'Your network is your net worth' and since my parents could not offer me a network to orient myself, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to expand my network.

Why would you recommend participation to new (first-generation) students?

That ultimately, no matter what profession you choose to pursue, you have to make yourself proud. Once you are proud, the rest will follow. So don't be guided by someone else’s wish.

Netwerk plaatje

We enjoy and often work together with

  • The board of Erasmus School of Law
  • Scientific and support staff
  • Students and study associations
  • Women@ESL
  • The IDEA Center
  • Bridges Network Foundation
  • Marketing, Communication & Relations (CMR)

Since 2021 Women@ESL is the network for all female employees of Erasmus School of Law which has the goal to strengthen the female community and engage in gender-balance and diversity related topics. Women@ESL organises presentations, discussions and Q&As with inspiring scholars for the female community but also for the faculty more broadly.

The steering committee of Women@ESL consists of:

  • Franziska Weber - Professor Law and Economics at the Department of Law & Business
  • Jing Hiah - Assistant professor Criminology at the Department of Law, Society & Crime
  • María Campo Comba - Assistant professor International and European Union Law at the Department of Law & Markets
  • Federica Violi - Associate Professor International & European Law at the Department of Law & Markets
Foto van rector
Meeting with Prof. Annelien Bredenoord, the first female rector of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Erasmus School of Law (Photography: Anne Knoop)
International Women's Day
Meeting in honor of International Women's Day. Presentation given by Amber Scheepers on gender diversity in companies.
Erasmus School of Law (Photography: Anne Knoop)

Want to build a just future with us?

We would like to have a cup of coffee with you to hear from you what you notice, where you see opportunities and/or improvements.

You can also send us an email to diversityesl@law.eur.nl.

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