Retrospect of Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day

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On 30 January, 2024, the annual Erasmus Graduate School of Law Review Day took place. On this day, PhD candidates who commenced their research last year were given the opportunity to present their research progress. Additionally, the candidates received certificates for completing the training programme on this day. Moreover, the new PhD candidates were introduced during this event.

Jing Hiah, universitair docent Criminologie

Jing Hiah, Assistant Professor of Criminology, gave an introductory lecture in which she reflected on her own PhD trajectory. She shared some good practices that helped her during her PhD trajectory, e.g., finding your community, getting some international experience, developing other skills, being entrepreneurial, and last but not least, enjoying your PhD research!

This year's new researchers 

After that, the big group of new PhD researchers of Erasmus School of Law introduced themselves. From the department Law & Markets: Vladimir Belev, Julie Hoppenbrouwers, Renee Knoop, Eva Meijermans-Spelman, Stijn Voogt and external PhD researcher Hannah Mosmans. From the department Law, Society & Crime: Inge Aarts, Merel Driessen, Romy Hanoeman, Elise Maes, Emma Weerd. From the FORTPORT project, also part of the department Law, Society & Crime: Charlotte Geertman, Thomas van Mourik, Jill Stigter, Carmen ter Weijden. From the Law & Business Department: Paul Hoynck van Papendrecht, Iris Meijer, Simone Slootweg, Aalt-Jan Smits, Shuping Song, Liu Yunhong, Erya Zhao, Qingzhe Zhao. And finally, from the EDLE programme, within the Law & Business Department: Ahmed Ayoub, Prateek Jain, Mthuthuskisi Malahleka, Anastasia Panicheva and Ozlem Yasar.

Francine Ruitinga

Progress of research

The plenary session was followed by three parallel sessions in which the PhD researchers who started their research last year presented the progress they have made so far. The presenting PhD researchers were Francine Ruitinga, Rebecca Bosch, Alice Bouman-de Groot, Clara Boggini, Nanou van Iersel, Marlon Kruizinga and Majsa Storbeck. After each presentation, there was time for feedback from a designated discussant and questions from the audience.

Certificaten voor het EGSL educational programme uitgereikt

The EGSL educational programme certificates were handed out, after which the afternoon was concluded with drinks.

Erasmus Graduate School of Law would like to thank everyone who joined us at this event. In addition, many thanks to Monika Glavina, Willem-Jan Kortleven and Aylin Aydin Cakir for being there as a discussant!

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