The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) has appointed Eva Meyermans Spelmans, PhD candidate at Erasmus School of Law, as one of the twelve new Faces of Science for 2025. Each year, twelve talented PhD candidates are selected as Faces of Science to inspire and enthuse others about science.
As Face of Science, inspiring researchers give insight into their lives as young academics to communicate their research and generate interest in science in broader society. Through blogs, videos and presentations, they share their discoveries, fascinations and challenges. In this way, they make science accessible and show how versatile and inspiring science can be.
Meyermans Spelmans responds enthusiastically to her appointment: "When I received the news that I would become one of the Faces of Science, I felt very happy and proud. I think it's very important to make research accessible to the general public in order to connect science and practice. So it's fantastic to have a platform as a young researcher through Faces of Science. I'm really looking forward to sharing my research on European sustainability legislation and its impact on the fashion industry with a wide audience. Just like all the people who inspired me to become a researcher, I hope to inspire young people to pursue science through Faces of Science."
Meyermans Spelmans investigates how new European legislation for a sustainable clothing industry affects the (working) lives of the people behind our clothes. Who pays the price for this sustainable transition? And how do we get 'fast fashion' out of fashion? Because the mass production of cheap disposable clothing puts pressure on the environment and working conditions.
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