
Foto van student met boek

Erasmus School of Law is characterised by research on the function of law in its economic and social context, more specifically on the overarching question of the role of law in safeguarding public and private interests in national and international trade and commerce.

Our research

Our research is organised into four departments and three major interdisciplinary research initiatives, that have been a major catalyst in further developing our research.

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Prizes and Awards

At Erasmus School of Law, researchers, who are the best in their field, work both nationally and internationally. This is the list of our top researchers who have received prestigious awards, grants and prizes for scientific achievements during their time at Erasmus School of Law.

Prizes and Awards

PhD Candidate Eva Meyermans Spelmans selected as Face of Science by KNAW

Als Faces of Science geven inspirerende onderzoekers een inkijkje in hun onderzoek en het leven als jonge wetenschapper
Eva Meyermans Spelmans

Aalt-Jan Smits wins Lambers Student Excellence Award 2024

The former master's student at both Erasmus School of Law and Erasmus School of Economics was presented the award at the Dies Natalis ceremony.
Presentation Lambers Student Excellence Award 2024

Alberto Quintavalla receives prestigious KNAW Early Career Award

This award recognizes Alberto’s innovative and original research and stimulates the further development of his academic career.
Alberto Quintavalla

HySUCCESS: Towards a green hydrogen economy

Leonie Reins and Alberto Quintavalla will participate in the HySUCCESS project starting in December, which focuses on the transition to a hydrogen economy.
Duurzaam hartje

Erasmus University Rotterdam receives EU funding as part of Jean Monnet Network PROSPER

Erasmus University Rotterdam is one of the beneficiaries to receive funding from the European Union (EU) to establish the Jean Monnet Network called PROSPER.
Wapperende EU-vlaggen

Timo Peeters wins Willem Nagel Prize 2024 with PhD dissertation on social order and violence in Guatemala City

In this article you will read about Timo Peeters who won the Willem Nagelprijs 2024 with his dissertation on social order and violence in Guatemala City.
Peeters ontvangt de prijs van Schuilenburg.

Legal duty of care and affordable medicines: Eva Ulenkate wins VGR Thesis Award 2024

Eva Ulenkate, alumna, conducted research on a legal duty of care for pharmaceutical companies, and she won the VGR Thesis Award 2024 as a result.

Titiaan Keijzer new member of Young Erasmus Academy

Titiaan Keijzer, Assistant Professor of Corporate Law at Erasmus School of Law, has been invited by the Rector Magnificus
Titiaan Keijzer

Research on consumer electronics repair commissioned by NWO

Researchers from Erasmus School of Law are part of the consortium researching consumer electronics repair.
Smartphone met logo van onderzoek naar consumentenelektronica

Jolien Kruit wins the prestigious Albert Lilar prize

Jolien talks about her passion for maritime law, her career, and her experiences as an external PhD candidate.
Jolien Kruit met haar prijs

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