Researchers on Diversity

Topics related to diversity, inclusion and social equity are a key focus of our researchers at EUR. Diversity applies to every aspect of our daily lives and it interacts with multiple disciplines, such as business, health and policies. Here, you can find an overview of all the researchers at the Erasmus University Rotterdam who conduct academic research relating to diversity.

  • prof.dr. (Marise) MPh Born

    Marise Ph. Born is Full Professor of Personnel Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is Endowed Professor of…
    prof.dr. (Marise) MPh Born
  • (Zouhair) Z Hammana, MSc

    Zouhair Hammana (1990) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture. Under the supervision of prof. dr. Susanne…
    (Zouhair) Z Hammana, MSc
  • prof.dr. (Daan) DL van Knippenberg

    Daan van Knippenberg is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Rotterdam School of Management. He has published over 200 scholarly articles, books, and…
    prof.dr. (Daan) DL van Knippenberg
  • dr. (Marieke) M Meeuwisse

    Marieke Meeuwisse (Ph.D.) is full professor in Educational Sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a psychologist and sociologist with a Ph.D. in…
    dr. (Marieke) M Meeuwisse
  • prof.dr. (Peter) PWA Scholten

    Peter Scholten is full professor of Migration and Diversity Policy at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology. He is director of IMISCOE,…
    prof.dr. (Peter) PWA Scholten
  • dr. (Meir) M Shemla

    Dr. Meir Shemla is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Academic Director of the MBA programme at Rotterdam School of Management. He…
    dr. (Meir) M Shemla
  • Dr. J. (Jasmien) Khattab

    Assistant Professor, Rotterdam School of Management

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