prof.dr. PWA (Peter) Scholten


Peter Scholten is full professor in the Governance of Migration and Diversity in the team Policy, Politics and Society. Peter is scientific director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus research centre on the Governance of Migration and Diversity, team lead of the team Policy, Politics and Society, and editor-in-chief of the journal Comparative Migration Studies. In addition, he is Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) double professor at Leiden University (department of global affairs), and Malmo city visiting professor at the Institute for Migration, Integration and Welfare at Malmo University. His main research interests involve the dynamics of migration and diversity policies, cities of migration, science-politics relations on migration and diversity, and complexity governance. 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Full professor | Policy, Politics and Society


News regarding prof.dr. PWA (Peter) Scholten

Scientific evidence on migrant integration closer to practitioners

The SprINg evidence repository helps policymakers, service providers and advocates who work with migrants make their policies and practices more evidence based.
Mensen op een groente-en fruitmarkt

Researchers at Erasmus University join forces with RADAR and the City of Rotterdam in strengthening policies against discrimination

As part of 'Rotterdam Against Racism' of the City of Rotterdam, a new research programme is launched: Rotterdam Inclusivity Programme.

H2020 grant for Sustainable Practices of Integrations

Dr. Asya Pisarevskaya, dr. William Voorberg and prof. dr. Peter Scholten of the Erasmus University Rotterdam participate in a newly awarded a European Horizon