Marieke Meeuwisse (Ph.D.) is full professor in Educational Sciences at Erasmus University Rotterdam. As a psychologist and sociologist with a Ph.D. in educational sciences, she draws on ideas from these disciplines, and especially diversity studies, for her work on student success and (in)equality in higher education (HE). She is strongly interested in the accessibility of HE, which means that she seeks to reveal mechanisms that ensure students who have the potential and ambition to reach and enrol in HE can and indeed do so, and that they can progress through HE successfully.
Her research agenda on HE accessibility comprises four overarching and mutually reinforcing topics, namely a) educational transitions, particularly transitions in(to) HE, b) student senses of belonging in HE, c) formation of student social networks in HE, and d) professional identity development of students. As a Ph.D. student she worked on sense of belonging (b) and students’ meaningful interactions in HE (c), initially resulting in (inter)national use of her sense of belonging and interaction measures. Her (subsequent) work has created awareness of the importance of students’ belongingness and networks in HE, and their relevance to well-being and success. Because transitions are crucial to making HE accessible to a broader student population (a), this became a central focus in her research, contributing to a head start in HE for students in terms of their networks and success. Additionally, her research agenda is strengthened by her growing focus on professional identity development in HE (d), as identity formation is affected by social networks and seemingly plays a pivotal role in student senses of belonging and success.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Pieter van Lamoen, Marieke Meeuwisse, Annemarie Hiemstra, Lidia Arends, Sabine Severiens & Jasperina Brouwer (2025) - The role of student background characteristics and sense of belonging in the development of peer networks at the transition to higher education - Social Psychology of Education, 28 (21), 1-24 - doi: 10.1007/s11218-024-10014-4
- Aike S. Dias-Broens, Marieke Meeuwisse & Sabine E. Severiens (2024) - The definition and measurement of sense of belonging in higher education: A systematic literature review with a special focus on students’ ethnicity and generation status in higher education - Educational Research Review, 45 - doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100622 - [link]
- Pieter van Lamoen, Annemarie Hiemstra, Marieke Meeuwisse, Lidia Arends & Sabine Severiens (2024) - Ethnic-based score differences and differential prediction of various cognitive and noncognitive admissions instruments in higher education - International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 33 (1) - doi: 10.1111/ijsa.12501
- Jana Vietze, Marieke Meeuwisse, Amaranta de Haan, Rick P. Wolff & Bjorn de Koning (2024) - The ReSearching Identity Podcast Project: Developing a Brief and Inclusive Professional Identity Intervention for Higher Education - Identity, 1-14 - doi: 10.1080/15283488.2024.2389433 - [link]
- Ayşegül Karaca-Atik, Marjan Gorgievski, Marieke Meeuwisse & Guus Smeets (2024) - Possessing 21st-Century Skills and Building Sustainable Careers: Early-Career Social Sciences Graduates’ Perspectives - Sustainability, 16 (8) - doi: 10.3390/su16083409
- Pieter van Lamoen, Marieke Meeuwisse, Annemarie Hiemstra, Lidia Arends & Sabine Severiens (2024) - Supporting students’ transition to higher education: The effects of a pre-academic programme on sense of belonging, academic self-efficacy, and academic achievement - European Journal of Higher Education - doi: 10.1080/21568235.2024.2331122
- Ayşegül Karaca-Atik, Marieke Meeuwisse, Marjan J. Gorgievski & Guus Smeets (2023) - Uncovering important 21st-century skills for sustainable career development of social sciences graduates: A systematic review - Educational Research Review, 39 - doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100528 - [link]
- Kim Ouwehand, M (Kate) Xu, Marieke Meeuwisse, Sabine Severiens & Lisette Wijnia (2022) - Impact of school population composition, workload, and teachers’ utility values on teaching quality: Insights from the Dutch TALIS-2018 data - Frontiers in Education, 7 - doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.815795 - [link]
- Eke Krijnen, Roel van Steensel, Marieke Meeuwisse & Sabine Severiens (2022) - Aiming for educational partnership between parents and professionals: Shared vision development in a professional learning community - School Community Journal, 32 (1), 265-300 - [link]
- Lonneke de Meijer, Aike Dias-Broens, Rick Wolff & Marieke Meeuwisse (2022) - Bevorderen van Interculturele Competenties van Studenten in het Hoger Onderwijs door het volgen van een Practicummodule - Pedagogische Studiën, 99 (2), 135-151 - [link]
- Rinotha Senathirajah, Jana Vietze & Marieke Meeuwisse (2023) - Offline versus online learning environments: Exploring cultural minority student and teacher perceptions of inclusiveness in higher education. (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Marieke Meeuwisse (2023) - Towards higher education: The importance of personal and social skills [Op weg naar het hoger onderwijs: het belang van persoonlijke en sociale vaardigheden] (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Marieke Meeuwisse (2023) - Toegankelijk hoger onderwijs. Het belang van psychosociale factoren in de leeromgeving. (Invited speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Lonneke de Meijer, Marieke Meeuwisse & Nicole Lucassen (2023) - Onderwijs-innovatieproject: Herziening premaster Pedagogische Wetenschappen (Participant)
Activity: Other › Academic - Marieke Meeuwisse & Pravini Baboeram (2022) - Experiencing the Erasmus+ project #Belong (Invited speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Marieke Meeuwisse & Pravini Baboeram (2022) - Experiencing the Erasmus+ project #IBelong (Invited speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - M (Marieke) Meeuwisse (2021) - Towards a sense of belonging in an inclusive learning environment (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - AS (Aike) Dias - Broens, PM (Pieter) van Lamoen, M (Marieke) Meeuwisse & Rinotha Senathirajah (2021) - Lecture Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - M (Marieke) Meeuwisse (2021) - Op weg naar het hoger onderwijs: Het belang van sense of belonging (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - J (Jana) Vietze, M (Marieke) Meeuwisse, SGA (Sanne) van Herpen, AS (Aike) Dias - Broens, RM (Reinhilde) Pulinx & SE (Sabine) Severiens (2021) - Predicting diverse students’ self selection from higher education: A systematic review (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- Marieke Meeuwisse (2019) - Diverse students in search for belonging in higher education: The validation of a multidimensional sense of belonging scale.
- Marieke Meeuwisse (2018) - The student-curriculum interplay: Academic trajectories of diverse students at the Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Marieke Meeuwisse (2017) - Inclusive learning environments in European higher education
1.2C Intro. to Educational Sciences
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWE1-013-A