About EUR

Making Minds Matter
Studenten buiten Woudestein

Equal opportunities

Opportunities are not evenly distributed in the world. How do we improve this?

A person stands at the market with two bags of peppers in his hands.

Innovating education

Do you have an idea to move your education forward?

Groep jonge mensen met elkaar in gesprek rondom een tafel met papieren

The seven projects within student wellbeing

Do you miss contact with students? Do you want to talk to someone?

News about EUR


  • Economie Festival

    The celebrations of the 110th anniversary of Erasmus School of Economics continue with a weekend full of debates, short lectures, live music, movies, and more.
    Mensen borrelen
  • PhD defence L.S. (Laura) Kalfsvel

    Practice Makes Progress
  • Promotie M. (Marie) de Bakker

    Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Women and Men: A longitudinal biomarker-based approach

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