With CO2NGESTION, Erasmus UPT has developed a serious game that gives logistics students and professionals better insight into chain collaboration. CO2NGESTION is a game about cooperation and how to deal with the most wicked dilemma in logistics: the issues of the day versus working on chain optimization and CO2 reduction.

Game setup

CO2NGESTION is a board game in which players work together to solve bottlenecks on transport corridors that cause congestion in the European transport network. Players must work together to remove cargo from the road and transport it by rail and barge to the European hinterland. Such a modal shift requires cooperation and coordination.

Game dilemma and strategy

Ports compete largely on connectivity with hinterland ports. Using all possible forms of transport infrastructure offers shippers more options to choose the most efficient form of transport. Fresh logistics is characterized by speed, which means that the issues of the day dominate. This is at the expense of the environment because road transport has higher CO2 emissions per transported unit. Chain parties have been talking to each other for years to make that modal shift, but there is no development strategy. The task for the players is to solve the congestion in the European transport network. To this end, parties are working together on digital (smart) and green (green) solutions.



The game in action

The game in action



The main goal is to solve congestion in the supply chain and thereby eliminate CO2 in the transport network. While players are working on this, they are experiencing the pressure of the imminent blocking of the transport corridor in the short term, while they must jointly come up with solutions in the long term. The aim is for players to act from a specific role and their capabilities to support a permanent modal shift.


“Working together with the other players”

“The build-up. It was just right"

“The general game element and the way you can play multiple actions in different orders”

“Thinking about the right options together”




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