Port Economist, director

- Email address
- vanderlugt@ese.eur.nl
- Phone
- +31(0)10 408 1410
- Room
- Woudestein, T-Building, Room T19-31
- Space
- Mandeville Building
Larissa van der Lugt PhD is the director of Erasmus Centre for Urban, Port and Transport Economics (Erasmus UPT). She is also a highly experienced port economist and specializes in port strategy, port management, port performance and port governance. Besides leading Erasmus UPT, Larissa programs and executes research projects and (executive) educational programs for a broad range of national and international customers and partners.
Larissa is driven by the ambition to prosper the economic development of ports and ports' actors, by developing - in cooperation with other researchers and industry professionals - grounded insights and new thoughts on economic and strategic improvements. At the same she is dedicated to educating academic students at a high level and to develop their skills and commitments. And lastly she is highly driven by the ambition to steer the strategic development of Erasmus UPT into a well- known centre of excellence: that means creating an inspiring and pleasant working environment and stimulation of top class output.
In her research and educational work Larissa connects academic knowledge with a deep understanding of the port’s and maritime industry. This results in:
- practical problem analyses,
- grounded insights,
- high level policy advice,
- academic knowledge development.
Main research interests
Larissa’s main research interests are:
- Strategy of seaports
- Strategies of seaport related economic actors
- Economic and institutional organization of seaports
- Economic performance of seaports
- Hinterland transport system and port’s logistics network
Education bachelors, masters and PhD’s
Larissa is a professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Larissa is also the Academic Director of the MSc program Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL), responsible for the curriculum of the program. As such she is dedicated to educating academic students at a high level and to help to develop their skills.
Academic career
In 2015 Larissa completed a PhD on the strategic development of Port Development Companies. She published a series of academic papers on related subjects.
Earlier jobs
Before joining the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2001, she has worked with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and with a consulting and engineering company Fredric Harris Inc.
- Impact of external trends on business model change in the Port of Rotterdam (2017-2018), SmartPort
- 2017-2018: Impact of OBOR on Rotterdam and Shanghai, Smartport
- PORTOPIA: European FP7 project on Port Performance Indicators for all European core ports: WP leader for socio-economic indicators (employment and added value) (2013 - 2017)
- SELIS: digitization in the Port of Rotterdam: Living Lab approach, 2017-, European Commission
- Dutch Port Monitor: calculation of socio-economic indicators (employment, added value, direct and indirect) for all Dutch ports (2015)
- Cooperation between Flemish seaports, Port of Antwerp (2015)
- Port Cooperation: study for the Ministry of Transport into the potential of cooperation for the Dutch Ports (2013)
- ULTIMATE: research and recommendations on Extended Gate Development (dry ports network) as competitive driver for the Port of Rotterdam with specific focus on the organisational and institutional aspects (2010 -2014)
- Dubrovnik: Hinterland accessibility study for the Port of Rotterdam from a governance perspective: analysis of potential institutional structure for in-port rail terminal based on projected future rail flows (2012-2013)
- Port of Rotterdam NV: Study into future market potential, based on cargo flow projections, for the investment in a new Canal Seine Nord in France on North-western European ports with a focus at Rotterdam (2012)
- Flexible Port Management: Next Generation Infrastructures program: Study on port Development, Management and Governance from a flexibility perspective (2011 – 2013)
- European Commission: workshop cycle aimed at setting the right port governance and institutional structure in the inland port of Belgrade, Servia (2011)
- Atlantic Canada, policy recommendations for developing the Atlantic Canada ports into gateways to the larger markets of Canada and Great Lakes, USA, (2010)
- Port of Rotterdam NV: Port Congestion Costs, (2009)
- Port of Rotterdam NV: Economic vision on future development of Mainport Rotterdam: a second opinion on the governments’ policy document (2009)
- Port of Flushing : Improving the rail connectivity of Zeeland Seaports: an organisational and institutional analysis (2009)
- Academic Centre for TransPORTS and Port of Rotterdam NV: Coordination in the ports’ railway sector: improvement of efficiency and effectiveness (2008)
- Project Organisation Betuweroute: Costs-calculation of temporarily lay-up of the port’s railway system (2007)
- Port of Amsterdam: Economic risk analysis for seaport access to Ports of Amsterdam (2006)
- Dutch Ministry of Transport: Economic Evaluation Study of a Europe-wide international infrastructure development program of Rijkswaterstaat: Partners for Roads (2004)
- Strategy for development of logistics activities in the Port of Busan, South-Korea (2002)
- Competitive analysis and projections for throughput levels of the Indian port system. (2001)
- Global market analysis and logistics chain analysis in the maritime reefer market, (2000 – 2002)
- Economic and environmental analysis of the sector of inland tank shipping, (2001 – 2002)
- Logistics chain analysis in the fresh produce sector (2000)
- Working document for the potential of rail transport, inland navigation and short sea shipping to and from the Amsterdam – North Sea Channel region (1999)
- Economic impact study for the improving/ enlarging of the nautical access in the Amsterdam – North Sea Channel region (1999)
- Study of both the organisational and (transport) infrastructural aspects for the development of a free economic zone in Lithuania (1998)
- Study into the feasibility of physical development of the port of Koper, including cargo forecasts, competitive analysis and evaluation of governance, Slovenia (1996 – 1999)
- Economical and logistical study for Port Said in Egypt: the development of an industrial port site (1998)
- Feasibility study for the development of a multimodal industrial site near Utrecht, The Netherlands (1998)
- Economic feasibility study of the deepening of a port channel in the Port of Klaipeda, Lithuania (1998)
A selection of publications by Dr. Larissa van der Lugt
- De Langen, P. W., & van der Lugt, L. M. (2018-forthcoming). The role of public shareholders in government owned port development companies; insights from the Dutch case, International Journal of Transport Economics.
- De Langen, P.W., van der Lugt, L.M., Institutional reforms of port authorities in the Netherlands; the establishment of port development companies. Research in Transportation Business & Management.
- van der Lugt, L. M., de Langen, P. W., & Hagdorn, L. (2016). Strategic beliefs of port authorities. Transport Reviews, 1-30.
- Van der Lugt, L.M., Langen, P. W., & Hagdorn, L. (2015). Beyond the landlord: Worldwide empirical analysis of port authority strategies. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 7(5), 570-596.
- Van der Lugt, L. M., Rodrigues, S. B., & Van den Berg, R. (2014). Co-evolution of the strategic reorientation of port actors: insights from the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Barcelona. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 197-209.
- Van der Horst, M.R., Van der Lugt, L.M., (2014) An Institutional Analysis of Coordination in Liberalized Port-related Railway Chains: An Application to the Port of Rotterdam, Transport Reviews , online available: DOI:10.1080/01441647.2013.874379
- Van der Lugt, L., Dooms, M., & Parola, F. (2013). Strategy making by hybrid organizations: The case of the port authority. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 8, 103-113.
- Dooms, M., van der Lugt, L., & de Langen, P. W. (2013). International strategies of port authorities: The case of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 8, 148-157.
- Van der Horst, M.R., Van der Lugt, L.M. (2011),Coordination mechanisms for improving hinterland accessibility: an empirical analysis in the port of Rotterdam, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 415-435
- Brooks, M., McCalla, R., Pallis, A.A., Van der Lugt, L.M., (2010) Strategic Cooperation in Peripheral Ports: The Case of Atlantic Canada’s Ports, Canadian Journal of Transportation, Vol. 4, nr. 1
- Van der Lugt, L.M., De Langen, P.W. (2005) The changing role of ports as locations for logistics activities, Journal of International Logistics and Trade, Vol. 3, No. 2,
- Dooms M., Van der Lugt, L.M. (2018, forthcoming)Socio-economic performance assessment of port clusters: more challenges, less solutions? In Green Ports, eds J. Monios et al.
- Van der Lugt, L.M., de Langen, P.W., (2018), Value creation and value capture in the port’s business, in Port Management, cases in port Geography, Operations and Policy, eds, S. Petitt, A Beresford
- Van der Lugt,(2018), Port Development Company: Role and Strategy, in Ports and Networks, eds.H. Geerlings, B. Kuipers and R. Zuidwijk, Routledge
- Brooks, M., Van der Lugt, L.M., (2009) Transatlantic Port Issues, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 49, No. 3 (Fall 2010),
- Van der Lugt, L.M., (2009) European policy on the Rail Freight Market: Competition and Coordination, Working paper for the North American Transport Competitiveness Council, January 2009 No.8
- De Langen, P.W. van der Lugt, L.M.,(2006) Governance Structures of Port Authorities in The Netherlands, Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 17, Devolution, Port Governance and Port performance, eds. M.R. Brooks & K. Cullinane, Elsevier