Bart Kuipers PhD

Rotterdam Maritime City

Senior Researcher Port Economics

Email address
+31(0)10 408 1870
Woudestein, T-Building, Room T19-27
Mandeville Building


Bart Kuipers PhD is a seaports and logistics adviser at Erasmus UPT since 2008.

For more than three decades, Bart Kuipers has been researching:

  • freight transport, 
  • spatial logistical processes 
  • and seaport development.

His PhD thesis addressed the issue of flexibility in the seaport-based industry, with a focus on the chemical industry.


In particular freight transport and especially containerisation is one of Barts' areas of expertise. He indicates the importance of the container for the Dutch economy and in particular the future economic impact of freight transport and containers. An important component are scenario studies of possible future developments of national and international seaports.

Bart has worked at the Dutch Ministry of Transport, at TU Delft and TNO.

In 2014 he received the golden medal of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities for his essay on the container: the best invention of the past century. In which he clearly explains how the container as an economic phenomenon has caused major changes in the world economy.  

Main research areas

Bart Kuipers focuses on the following research areas:

  • Sea-port development
  • International and national regional-economic development related to freight transport 
  • Freight transport policy and port policy

Flagship Projects

A selection of recent projects by Dr. Bart Kuipers

  • Inspection policy for 'Championsleague approval chains'

    In the port of Rotterdam and at Schiphol Airport, a number of inspection points have been set up by the NVWA to inspect veterinary cargo. This study identified eight building blocks for a new inspection point policy. The aim is that the implementation of these eight building blocks will bring the inspection chains to ‘Championsleague level’.

    Duration: 2023

    Client: Agrarisch Import Platform (AIP) and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Koel- en Vrieshuizen (Nekovri)

  • How price dynamics in energy and commodity markets affect the port of Rotterdam

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to a particularly sharp spike in gas prices. This had a major impact on industry in the port of Rotterdam, especially since this price rise was only one of the sources causing increasing energy and raw material costs in the port of Rotterdam. This study describes the current and future position of the port of Rotterdam in relation to competing industrial locations.

    Duration: 2023

    Client: SmartPort, in collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam and Deltalinqs

  • China's strategic relevance to the port of Rotterdam

    This report provides an overview of the role played by China and Chinese companies in the port of Rotterdam. There is a very dynamic development here, with this study tracking the situation up until end 2023 in terms of ownership, cargo flows and so on. Participation in a study led by China Geopolitics, also collaborating with Clingendael Institute.

    Duration: autumn 2023

    Client: Port of Rotterdam 

  • Effects of the expiration of long-term transitional regulations in ES-TRIN (2035/2041)

    Inland navigation has to comply with technical regulations aimed at increasing safety. It is almost impossible for small inland navigation in particular to comply with these regulations. The report suggests directions for solutions. Conducted together with colleague Martijn Streng and researchers from Panteia.

    Duration: spring 2023

    Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management 

  • Rotterdam
    Port politics: Strategic autonomy and European ports

    The growing foreign involvement in European seaports and logistics, particularly from China, undermines the EU's strategic autonomy. This report proposes a policy framework to better manage this influence and safeguard European control over critical infrastructure.

  • Fifteen years of port columns

    Dr Bart Kuipers has written columns for various trade magazines and newspapers in recent years, mainly focusing on the ins and outs of the port of Rotterdam.

Further projects and publications