
12269 search results in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam


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  • prof.dr. AT (Annemiek) Harder
    Annemiek Harder is professor by special appointment in the Horizon-chair ‘Evidence-based youth care and education’ at the Clinical Child and Family Studies…
  • S (Sonia) de Jager, MA
    I am currently completing a dissertation on the philosophy of (natural) language-modulation. The project is premised on Active Inference, a unifying framework…
  • prof.dr. DS (Dirk) Schindler
  • dr. J (Joyce) Weeland
  • EM (Eline) Linthorst, LL.M
  • dr. B (Brandon) Sommer
    I am interested in classic debates in international political economy. These include questions of structure and agency, ontology, crisis, and sociopolitical…
  • dr. S (Sjoerd) van Tuinen
    Dr. Sjoerd van Tuinen is associate professor of philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy Driven by affinities between the arts and humanities, and with…
  • Y (Yongjian) Li - Groenendijk
    Yongjian Li-Groenendijk is a PhD candidate/lecturer in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication…
  • prof.dr. HM (Hester) van de Bovenkamp
    Hester van de Bovenkamp is professor of Patient Sciences at ESHPM. The role of patients in healthcare isf her key research interest. She is involved in the…
  • HWGM (Eric) van Heck
    Professor Eric van Heck: Empower Circular Business with Digital Technologies Eric van Heck is a chaired Professor of Information Management and Markets,…

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