Professor Eric van Heck: Empower Circular Business with Digital Technologies
Eric van Heck is a chaired Professor of Information Management and Markets, Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. His research focuses on harnessing technology for digital and circular business transformations, integrating insights from economics, management science, information systems, and computer science. Key areas of expertise include AI, data analytics, digital ecosystems, and auction markets.
Eric van Heck has co-founded pivotal centers at Erasmus, including the Erasmus Center for Data Analytics (ECDA) and the Erasmus Center for Future Energy Business and at RSM the master programs Business Information Management (BIM) and Business Analytics and Management (BAM). He also led the acclaimed Artificial Intelligence in the Floriculture Chain - iFlow project (2015 - 2020), which brought AI-driven collaboration to the horticulture sector in collaboration with Royal FloraHolland, Zentoo, and Wageningen University.
His research has been published in leading journals such as Information Systems Reseearch, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly, and in business-oriented journals such as California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and MISQ Executive.
His book Technology Meets Flowers: Unlocking the Circular and Digital Economy (Springer Nature, 2021) has been widely acclaimed for its insights into industry transformation, and its Dutch translation Technologie en Tulpen (Mediawerf, 2022) reinforces his influcence in local markets.
Eric's work has garnered several prestigious awards, including the AIS Impact Award in 2020 and the INFORMS Information Systems Society Design Science Award in 2021.
Eric is also a sought-after educator, teaching the master's elective course on AI Technologies for Circular Business and delivering executive education in digital transformation leadership through RSM's executive education programs.
As a prominent member of the global Association of Information Systems (AIS) community, Eric has served in various leadership roles, including program co-chair of ECIS 2020, the first virtual conference of AIS and as track co-chair for several major international conferences. He continues to actively shape the future of information systems as a mentor and thought leader.
Eric holds a PhD in Information Systems from Wageningen University, where he also earned his BSc and MSc degrees, majoring in Land and Water Use and Information Management, minoring in Operations Research and Agricultural Economics. His bachelor thesis reseach was executed at the Soil & Water Lab of Cornell University. He has held visiting positions at top institutions such as New York University, MIT-CISR, University of Jyväskylä, and Institute Technology Bandung.
Before academia, he worked in the corporate sector as a software programmer and system analyst at Cap Gemini, further shaping his interest in real-world business applications.
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
More information
- Ainara Novales Uriarte, Martin Mocker, Eric van Heck & Jan Dul (2025) - Realizing desired effects from digitized product affordances: A case study of key inhibiting factors - Decision Support Systems, 189 - doi: 10.1016/j.dss.2024.114365
- May Truong, Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2024) - What Luxury Fashion Can Learn from the Wholesale Flower Market - Harvard Business Review - [link]
- Meditya Wasesa, Ardian Rizaldi, Andries Stam, Rob Zuidwijk & Eric Van Heck (2024) - Advancing Smart Sustainable Seaports: Auction-based Truck Appointment System for Automated Container Terminal - IEEE Access, 12, 116384-116397 - doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3445711 - [link]
- Huong May Truong, Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2023) - The Effect of Posted Prices on Auction Prices: An Empirical Investigation of a Multi-channel B2B Market - MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 47 (7), 1557-1584 - doi: 10.25300/MISQ/2022/17556 - [link]
- Eric van Heck (2022) - Designing Algorithms for Circular Business: Are We On The Right Track? - [link]
- Huong May Truong, Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2022) - Buyers’ Strategic Behavior in B2B Multichannel Auction Markets: When an Online Posted Price Channel Is Incorporated into a Dutch Auction System - Information Systems Research, 33 (4), 1344-1367 - doi: 10.1287/isre.2022.1180 - [link]
- Yixin Lu, Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2022) - Designing Hybrid Mechanisms to Overcome Congestion in Sequential Dutch Auctions - MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 46 (1), 457-490 - doi: 10.25300/misq/2022/16472 - [link]
- Eric van Heck (2022) - Technologie en Tulpen: Circulaire en digitale innovatie in de bloemensector - [link]
- Rosana Silveira Reis, Camilla Quental & Eric van Heck (2022) - When Three Is Better than Two: How Culture Can Bridge Collaboration in Globally Distributed Teams - Management (France), 25 (3), 57-73 - doi: 10.37725/mgmt.v25.4575 - [link]
- Eric van Heck, Ana Clara Souza, Marlei Pozzebon & Maira Petrini (2021) - Mobilizing a pluralist theoretical approach to understand microlending digital platforms: the AfricaMC case - RAUSP Management Journal, 57 (1), 6-21 - doi: 10.1108/RAUSP-03-2020-0041 - [link]
- Eric van Heck (2021) - Technology Meets Flowers: Unlocking the Circular and Digital Economy - doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-69303-9
- Huong May Truong, Wolfgang Ketter, Alok Gupta & Eric van Heck (2021) - The impact of price and quantity information of an online pre-sales channel on Dutch auctions performance - [link]
- Huong Truong, Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2020) - The Declining Price Anomaly in B2B Sequential Multi-channel Auctions
- Eric van Heck (2019) - Big data and disruptions in business models - RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, 59 (6), 430-432 - doi: 10.1590/S0034-759020190608 - [link]
- Y Lu, A Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2019) - Dynamic Decision Making in Sequential Business-to-Business Auctions: A Structural Econometric Approach - Management Science, 65 (8), 3853-3876 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2018.3118 - [link]
- Y Lu, A Gupta, Wolf Ketter & Eric van Heck (2019) - Information Transparency in Business-to-Business Auction Markets: The Role of Winner Identity Disclosure - Management Science, 65 (9), 4261-4279 - doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2018.3143 - [link]
- Konstantina Valogianni, Alok Gupta, Wolfgang Ketter, Soumya Sen & Eric van Heck (2019) - Multiple Vickrey auctions for sustainable electric vehicle charging - [link]
- Eric Heck (2009) - De Nederlandse UMTS veiling (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2007) - Decision Support Systems (Journal) (Editor)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic - Eric Heck (2002) - Waarde en Winnaar. Over het ontwerpen van elektronische veilingen (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Professional - Eric Heck (2002) - Journal of Information Technology (Journal) (Editor)
Activity: Editorial work › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Behavior of Off-line and Online Buyers in Auctions; Empirical Evidence from the Dutch Flower Industry (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Global support for local action - Electronic Grocery Shopping at Royal Ahold (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Electronische markten en veilingen, Postdoctorale Opleiding Electronic Commerce (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Electronic Commerce Ontwikkelingen en de sierteeltsector (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Electronische markten en veilingen (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Eric Heck (2000) - Electronische markten en veilingen, Executive Course Electronic Commerce Strategy (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
Aalto University School of Business
- Start date approval
- September 2024
- End date approval
- May 2027
- Place
- Description
- Scientific Advisory Board member
BIM Research Methods
- Level
- Master
- Year Level
- Master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
AI Technologies for Circular Business
- Year Level
- master, master, master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- BMME154