Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Assistant professor | Youth and Family
More information
- Joyce Weeland, Amaranta de Haan, Stephen Scott, Maria João Seabra-Santos, Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Sinéad McGilloway, Walter Matthys, Maria Filomena Gaspar, Margiad Elen Williams, Willy Tore Mørch, Ulf Axberg, Maartje Raaijmakers & Patty Leijten (2025) - Exploring Family Profiles in Explaining Heterogeneity in Parenting Program Engagement and Effectiveness - Journal of Family Psychology - doi: 10.1037/fam0001275 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland & Inge Bastiaanssen (2024) - De Potentie van Online Jeugdhulp Blijft Onbenut: Een Oproep tot Duurzame Samenwerking met Alle Belanghebbenden! - Jeugd in Ontwikkeling
- Joyce Weeland & Rianne Kok (2023) - Home Audio Observations of Parenting-in-Context: Evaluation of an Example Protocol - doi: 10.23668/psycharchives.14039
- Jeanne Gubbels, Mark Assink, Bastian Ravesteijn, Joyce Weeland, Rabia R. Chhangur, Merian Bouwmeester-Landweer, Silvia van den Heijkant & Claudia E. van der Put (2023) - Long-term collateral effects of parent programs on child maltreatment proxies: Can administrative data provide useful insights? - Children and Youth Services Review, 155 - doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107260 - [link]
- Mirthe C. Verbeek, Maartje Luijk, Joyce Weeland & Daphne van de Bongardt (2023) - Male Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: Normative Sexual Development and Factors Associated with Sexual Risks - Sexuality and Disability, 41 (4), 769-784 - doi: 10.1007/s11195-023-09814-x - [link]
- Mirthe Verbeek, Joyce Weeland, Maartje Luijk & Daphne van de Bongardt (2023) - Sexual and Dating Violence Prevention Programs for Male Youth: A Systematic Review of Program Characteristics, Intended Psychosexual Outcomes, and Effectiveness - Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52 (7), 2899-2935 - doi: 10.1007/s10508-023-02596-5 - [link]
- Floor B. van Rooij, Joyce Weeland & Carlo Thonies (2023) - Youth care in time of COVID-19: Experiences of professionals and adolescent clients with telehealth - Children and Youth Services Review, 148 - doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106874 - [link]
- Benedicte Mouton, Joyce Weeland, Patty Leijten & Geertjan Overbeek (2022) - When Parents Wear Dark Glasses: An Experimental Study on Parental Negative Attributions and Parenting Behavior - Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31 (12), 3468-3484 - doi: 10.1007/s10826-022-02446-3 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland, Eddie Brummelman, Sara R. Jaffee, Rabia R. Chhangur, Danielle van der Giessen, Walter Matthys, Bram Orobio de Castro & Geertjan Overbeek (2022) - Does caregivers' use of praise reduce children's externalizing behavior?: A longitudinal observational test in the context of a parenting program - Developmental Psychology, 58 (7), 1371-1385 - doi: 10.1037/dev0001357 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland, Patty Leijten, Bram Orobio de Castro, Ankie Menting, Geertjan Overbeek, Maartje Raaijmakers, Joran Jongerling & Walter Matthys (2022) - Exploring parenting profiles to understand who benefits from the incredible years parenting program - Prevention Science, 24 (2), 259-270 - doi: 10.1007/s11121-022-01364-6 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland, Loes Keijsers & Susan J T Branje (2021) - Introduction to the special issue: Parenting and family dynamics in times of the COVID-19 pandemic - Developmental Psychology, 57 (10), 1559-1562 - doi: 10.1037/dev0001252 - [link]
- AL (Anne) Bülow, LGMT (Loes) Keijsers, S (Savannah) Boele, Eeske van Roekel, Jaap J. A. Denissen, J (Joyce) Weeland, LGMT (Loes) Keijsers & Susan J T Branje (2021) - Parenting adolescents in times of a pandemic: Changes in relationship quality, autonomy support, and parental control? - Developmental Psychology, 57 (10), 1582-1596 - doi: 10.1037/dev0001208 - [link]
- Patty Leijten, Leoniek Wijngaards, Joyce Weeland, Ankie T.A. Menting, Bram Orobio de Castro, Geertjan Overbeek & Walter Matthys (2021) - Parenting group composition does not impact program effects on children's conduct problems - Journal of Family Psychology, 35 (5), 709-714 - doi: 10.1037/fam0000820 - [link]
- G Overbeek, J van Aar, B Orobio de Castro, W Matthys, Joyce Weeland, R Chhangur & P Leijten (2021) - Longer-term outcomes of the incredible years parenting intervention - Prevention Science, 22 (4), 419-431 - doi: 10.1007/s11121-020-01176-6 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland, Katrien Helmerhorst & Nicole Lucassen (2021) - Understanding differential effectiveness of behavioral parent training from a family systems perspective: Families are greater than “some of their parts” - Journal of Family Theory & Review - doi: 10.1111/jftr.12408 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland & Floor van Rooij (2021) - Jeugdhulp in tijden van corona - Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 20 (1), 14-21 - doi: 10.1007/s12454-021-0637-9 - [link]
- Joyce Weeland (2020) - Geen leefbare en sociale stad zonder groen - Sociale vraagstukken - [link]
- K Fisher, Joyce Weeland, P Leijten, A Van den Akker & G Overbeek (2020) - Current and Future Perspectives on Children’s Genetic- and Endophenotype-Based Differential Susceptibility to Parenting - Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 773-779 - doi: 10.1007/s10826-019-01567-6 - [link]
- S Hein, Joyce Weeland, A Square, GJ Haeffel, J Chapman, D Macomber, Maria Lee, C Foley Geib & EL Grigorenko (2020) - Effectiveness of a social problem solving training in youth in detention or on probation: an RCT and pre-post community implementation - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 72 - doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2020.101626 - [link]
- Maartje Luijk, Joyce Weeland & Daphne van de Bongardt (5 December 2023) - Study Findings from Erasmus University Provide New Insights into Mental Health (Male Adolescents With Mild Intellectual Disabilities: Normative Sexual Development and Factors Associated With Sexual Risks)
- J (Joyce) Weeland (30 November 2021) - Hoe is het om een tiener te zijn tijdens de coronacrisis?
- J (Joyce) Weeland (22 June 2021) - 'Met een corrigerende tik breng je een kind respect bij' en nog 6 mythes
- J (Joyce) Weeland (22 June 2021) - 'Met een corrigerende tik breng je een kind respect bij' en nog 6 mythes
- J (Joyce) Weeland (23 April 2020) - In deze tijd zijn regelmaat en afspraken belangrijk voor kinderen
- Joyce Weeland (22 October 2019) - Studio Erasmus - Wat doet natuur met je (mentale) gezondheid?
- J (Joyce) Weeland (2018) - NWO VENI