S (Sonia) de Jager, MA


I am currently completing a dissertation on the philosophy of (natural) language-modulation. The project is premised on Active Inference, a unifying framework which grounds the dynamics of cognition—extended and expanded into collectives, technological tendrils and beyond—under the axis of variational free energy-minimization. My main interest is in exploring the productive constraints implied by this framework, and what these might mean for distant images of ourselves. The PhD project has taken the form of a so-called “living book” and can be found at: www.n-o.ooo. I am part of the EUR Sectorplan SSH-Breed on digitalization.

Besides this, together with five other scholars we function as the Noise Research Union (NRU), where we work on the concept of noise and its multiple (evolving) interpretations. We organize diagramming workshops, research seminars and collective publications. More information can be found at: www.n-r-u-.xyz.

I also teach at the art academy in Rotterdam, and at the design academy in Eindhoven. At both these institutions my focus is exploring philosophy through art and design (and vice versa), and motivating students to chase the philosophical implications of their interests and embeddings. 

Erasmus School of Philosophy

Researcher | WP ESPhil

More information


  • Sonia de Jager (2025) - Negation as a foundation and as an open question: how deep conceptual analysis can lead to mathematical innovation in the classroom (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - Active ignorance (or: the negintelligible): avoiding epistemic pitfalls in the image of Active Inference (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - Phänomenologie des Krankengeistes: A neuroendocrinologically-informed, philosophical account of allostasis under the influence of corticosteroids (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - All things mirrored: A speculation into the effects of reflection(s), duplication and symmetry through Active Inference (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - Complexity, criticality and the limits of thought (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager & Ryan Kopaitich (2024) - Freed from desire: Alienation, Subjectivity and the Monetization of Desire (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Sonia de Jager, Sjoerd van Tuinen & Katharina Dany Martin (2024) - Instructor at Deleuze and Guattari Studies Camp (Speaker)
    Activity: Oral presentation Academic
  • Sjoerd van Tuinen, Sonia de Jager, Joost De Raeymaecker & David van Putten (2024) - Schematism (Organiser)
    Activity: Organising and contributing to an event Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - Active ignorance at Predictive Self-Modeling and the Phenomenology of Psychosis (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic
  • Sonia de Jager (2024) - Pedagogy and semantic noise (Speaker)
    Activity: Invited talk Academic


Start date approval
January 2023

Founding member

Start date approval
January 2022


Start date approval
September 2019

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