Project organisation

Project organisation

The folder structure in which the data ends up must speak for itself, as must the file names used for the data files – especially when collaborating with others. The main considerations are:  

  • Use a simple template that works best for your project. 
  • Use a consistent and logical folder hierarchy (up to 3 levels). 
  • Create a separate data folder for each data collection.
  • Separate raw data from processed data.
  • Set up a README file in each folder (project introduction, content description and main files).

Project folder

Example: A single project folder consisting of multiple sub-folders:

  • Sub-folder 1: Raw data: raw data (acts as a hard back-up)
  • Sub-folder 2: Processed data: a version of the data that has been handled by software to prepare it for analysis 
  • Sub-folder 3: Analysis: code, comparisons, images, graphs  
  • Sub-folder 4: Results: manuscript, final images 
  • Sub-folder 5: Documents: manuals, communication with stakeholders (emails from supervisors, notes from meetings), literature, ethical review, approval letters, data management plan, informed consent forms, contracts, etc.

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