Collection & Analysis

With research comes data. In your Data Management Plan, you have laid out what type of data you want to collect and how you will manage your data. After the completion of your data management plan it is time to start collecting and analysing.

Collecting data

There are many different ways to collect data for your research project. But in general you can either create your own dataset or use an existing dataset. Re-using datasets can save you a lot of time as you build on an existing line of research data.

Do you need help finding or accessing existing data for your research? The Erasmus Data Service Centre can help you with:

  • Accessing existing databases and software tools;
  • Finding datasets for you to use;
  • Interpreting accompanying documentation such as codebooks;
  • Purchasing ‘small’ datasets if needed.

Analysing data

Once you have collected your data you can start analysing it. The university offers a range of tools for analysing, modelling, and simulating which you can install on your @wEURk desktop or laptop. You can find all available tools in the software application catalogue. Do you need a tool that is not listed? Ask your ICT-demand manager or contact IT (via ERNA).

For the majority of researchers these tools are sufficient. However, if you need more memory than available on your computer or need to simultaneously run multiple tasks on a large dataset you can request for High Performance Computing (HPC). Apply by filling out the User request form and sending it to the EDSC for approval.

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