RDM Workshops

We regularly offer workshops and trainings related to research data management, such as:

  • Responsible Research Data Management. A course offered for PhD candidates of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities. See course description
  • EUR Data Coffee Breaks. Focused and informal 30-min sessions organised by Research Data Stewards. Each month is dedicated to a different Research Data Management topic. Open for EUR researchers from all disciplines. See the schedule and available materials here.
  • Data Carpentry for Social Sciences and Humanities. A workshop organised jointly by universities from Leiden, Delft, Erasmus and VU. Participants learn how to organise, clean, and visualise quantitative data in a reproducible way. It takes place 2-3 times per academic year. Next one is in February 2025.
  • EUR Data Repository. Workshop on how to share your data using the EUR Data Repository tool. Organised on request by EDSC.
  • ORCID. Workshop by the University Library on how to create and use your ORCID iD tool to enhance the discoverability of your research outputs.
  • Awareness campaigns. The EUR Library and ERIM Data Team organised a DataFest in October 2021 and a Research Transparency Campaign in March 2022, and ESHPM organised an RDM Awareness Campaign in October 2021. We will advertise upcoming campaigns here as well. 

Check our calendar for upcoming workshops and events.

Missing a topic?

Do you have specific topics or tools you would like to know more about? Or are you interested in a workshop for your research group or department? Please contact us to discuss the possibilities of a tailored workshop.

Contact information

Joanna Mania (data steward)





Paolo Rossini (data steward)ERIM (RSM & ESE)data@erim.eur.nl

Eduard Klapwijk (data steward)

Mark Mulder (data steward)

Bora Lushaj (data steward)





Katia Roque Molina (data steward)ESHPMdatasteward@eshpm.eur.nl
Claudia Hernandez Esponda (junior data steward)ERSdatasteward@eur.nl
Erasmus Data Service Centre (EDSC)All schools



010-408 12 32

EUR Data RepositoryAll schoolsdatarepository@eur.nl


This page was last updated in January 2025. Did you find a broken link or (seemingly) incorrect information? Please send an email with the title 'Website content' to datasteward@eur.nl.

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