Erasmus University Rotterdam has several tools available for storing and sharing research data. The table at the top of the page presents a quick overview of applications with respect to the EUR data classification model. Descriptions and instructions for the tools can be found in the expandable boxes in the menu below. For a general overview, please refer to the table at the bottom of the page.

Information on available tools
Yoda is an application that allows you to store, manage, share, and archive valuable data during all phases of your research project. Yoda makes it possible for you to collaborate with others by giving them access to your data. Yoda allows you to work with big amounts of data, while making it easy to add metadata, archive and publish it.
SURFdrive is a cloud-based tool for storing data during your research project. It is best suited when working alone or in a small group and sharing data with other researchers in the Netherlands (no matter if they are at EUR or other Dutch universities). SURFdrive has been approved to be used with internal and confidential data.
Like SURFdrive, the SURF Research Drive is a cloud-based solution for storing data during your project. However, SURF Research Drive was specifically designed for situations that include large storage quotas, and/or the need to work collaboratively with other educational and governmental institutions or external private parties. SURF Research Drive is approved to be used with internal and confidential data.
- To create an account, please contact EDSC.
The EUR Document Vault (EDV) is a high-security cloud-based tool used for storing and sharing highly sensitive data during a research project. The EDV is end-to-end-encrypted and a ISO 27001 certified secure environment, running on BlackBerry Workspaces. EUR researchers can work safely with all types of data including secret data and the lead researcher has access to a wide range of advanced file protection measures, logging and monitoring of use, and controlled access.
Please note that the EUR Document Vault is reserved for research projects with secret data and is therefore only available upon recommendation by a privacy officer or a data steward. If you are unsure whether you should use the EDV, please do not hesitate to ask your data steward.
- Instructions are available within EUR Document Vault (EDV) once a workspace is created for you.
EUR researchers can use an institutional license for Dropbox for Education, which provides all usual Dropbox functionality but eliminates some of the privacy risks that come with using an individual (private) Dropbox account. However, EUR Dropbox is only approved to be used with public data, so one should NOT use it to store personal data.
The EUR OneDrive is the general storage for personal work files of employees at EUR. It can also be used with research data, though it is not possible to share any files with users outside of EUR. The EUR OneDrive is approved to be used with internal and confidential data.
Qualtrics is a tool for collecting survey data. It has been approved to be used with internal and confidential data.
Resources/Instructions: [external link]
Erasmus Video for Research (EUR instance of the Beats Video Analysis platform) is a web application for researchers and their teams to code videos (and manage coding of videos) for research purposes. The videos are encrypted and both the videos and the notes material are stored on encrypted servers via secured networks. Erasmus Video for Research is approved for use with internal and confidential data.
When in need to safely transfer (large) data files to non-EUR researchers or third-party organisations involved in a research project, SURFfilesender is the recommended tool. This tool also allows you to invite others to send files to EUR employees. All files are automatically end-to-end encrypted (up to 2 GB), making the tool also usable for sending internal and confidential data.
Would you like to publish research data or are you asked to do so? Data underlying a publication can be placed in the EUR Data Repository. All data will be automatically assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) so that others can easily find and cite your data. Putting your data in a repository facilitates its reuse in similar research as well as verification and/or replication of the results. This is an important part of research integrity and often required by research funders. It is becoming the standard for many journals. Data can be made openly available but you can also decide to choose to publish it under restrictions such as an embargo, or only accessible or reusable under terms set by the owner of the data.
Each research project should start with a Data Management Plan (DMP). DMPonline is a web tool that allows you to create, share, and export your DMP and collaborate with project partners. You can choose from a range of templates, including our institutional template and templates of different funders (many templates come with guidance). Additionally, DMPonline allows you to leave questions/comments and to request feedback from your faculty data steward.
Tool | Maximum storage space | Maximum size individual files | Data classification level | Note | Contact |
SURFdrive | 500GB | 16GB (web interface) | Confidential | When synced to local device, local storage capacity determines limit. When not synced working with large files can be slow. | EDSC |
SURF Research Drive | > 500GB (costs may be involved) | > 500GB | Confidential | This storage is intended for projects that work with large data collections. | EDSC |
EUR Document Vault | > 500GB (costs may be involved) | 200MB (web browser) 10GB (with app on Mac/Win) | Secret | When synced to local device, local storage capacity determines limit. When not synced working with large files can be slow. Downloaded files (office documents and images) can be protected from change using DRM. Not recommended for large files (e.g. video). | EDSC |
EUR Dropbox | > 500GB (costs may be involved) | 50GB | Public | When synced to local device, local storage capacity determines limit. When not synced working with large files can be slow. | |
EUR OneDrive | 1TB (per account) | 100GB | Confidential | Data CANNOT be shared with non-EUR accounts. | |
EUR SharePoint (Microsoft 365) | 25TB (per team) | 100GB | Confidential | Data CANNOT be shared with non-EUR accounts. | |
Erasmus Video for Research |
| Confidential |
| |
Qualtrics |
| Confidential |
| EDSC |
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