
2240 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    Members and research projects from the Erasmus SYNC Lab have won several grants and prizes throughout the years.
  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    In the SYNC lab we believe it is important to share our knowledge with young people, parents or professionals such as teachers.
  • dr. (Agnieszka) AM Kanas
    I am an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Politics at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. My research…
  • Governance in the network society
    Check out our interviews, podcasts, blogs and TV appearances where we discuss results of our research on Governing in the Network Society.
  • prof.dr. (Will) WL Tiemeijer
    Professor Will Tiemeijer’s research interests center on the interconnections between behavioural science, politics and government. The past years witnessed a…
  • prof.dr. (Wolfgang) WE Ebbers
  • prof.dr. (Moniek) MA Buijzen
    Moniek Buijzen is Erasmus University Professor of Communication and Change, with a current focus on the integration of AI in society. She is the academic lead…
  • dr. (Jana) J Vietze
    Jana Vietze is an Assistant Professor in Youth and Family at the Department for Psychology, Education, and Child Studies (DPECS). She obtained her Ph.D. in…
  • (Robin) RM Simonse, MSc
  • dr. (Marilisa) M Boffo
    Marilisa Boffo is associate professor in clinical psychology and digital behavioral health at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Erasmus…

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