Accessibility on campus

Erasmus University Rotterdam values an accessible campus and buildings for everyone. In 2022, the Executive Board approved the 'Physical Accessibility Action Plan' and allocated extra funds to improve the accessibility of the campus step by step. So far, a building consultant has been hired and several adjustments have already been made, such as the redesign of MIVA toilets. A new design for the campus grounds has been created as well and will be implemented in 2024.

Campus map for people with functional impairment

The EUR has a site plan, which clearly indicates which routes and entrances can best be used by people with a reduced mobility.
The auditorium and exam rooms on campus Woudestein are accessible by lift. There are adapted toilets in all buildings.

Parking for people with functional impairment

Employees, students and visitors with an EU disabled parking card can park for free on Campus Woudestein. For more information consult the page about parking with a EU parking card. In addition, we offer facilities for employees and students with a (temporary) reduced mobility who do not have an EU disabled parking card. More information about parking for disabled students and staffOpens external.

Platform lifts and doors (Mobility Card)

Visitors can use the wheelchair platform lift by calling Campus Security (there is a sign with telephone number and instructions at each lift).
Employees and students with reduced mobility can be authorized to use the wheelchair platform lifts and a number of specific doors that give access to public spaces. Employees can have this authorization placed on their employee card by sending an email to Students can apply for a Mobility Card by filling in the 'Mobility Card' form.

Borrowing a wheelchair

You can borrow a wheelchair at Campus Woudestein. To make a reservation for the wheelchair, contact mentioning your contact details including your phone number. The wheelchair will be waiting for you at the agreed time and date at the rear entrance of Sanders Building, opposite Polak Building. Please ring the intercom of Campus Security to collect the wheelchair. 

Audio Induction loop

The lecture halls CB-1 and CB-5 in Theil Building as well as part of the Aula in Erasmus Building, are equipped with an audio induction loop system for students with an auditory impairment.

Relaxation areas

There are no special relaxation rooms on campus. As an alternative, if necessary, use can be made of the so-called lactation rooms or the combined first aid rooms, which primarily have a different function and are therefore not always available. In addition, one can go to the meditation center for a moment of rest. The meditation center is located in G Building (GB-35) and open from Monday to Friday between 7:30 am - 9:30 pm. Outside of Islamic prayer timesOpens external, it is generally very quiet in the meditation center.

Service dogs

Of course, service dogs are welcome on campus and in all buildings. However, we advise students with a service dog to indicate this to their study advisor, so that she/he can inform the faculty to prevent refusal of access or other misunderstandings.


A limited number of lockers is available on campus Woudestein for students with a (temporary) physical impairment. The lockers are located in the central hall in Sanders Building. If you need a locker and can provide sufficient motivation, you can discuss this with your study advisor. The study advisor can submit a request to Team Studying with a Functional Impairment.

Studying with a functional impairment

Read more about studying with a disability at EUR.