There are many complex social issues at play in the Netherlands, Europe and worldwide. What is our answer to the growing gap between rich and poor? Why is it that the number of people with mental problems is increasing and what can we do to counter this trend? How are we really going to end global warming? How can we restore the crumbling trust in democratic institutions? And how should we deal with the ever-increasing control by algorithms in everyday life and economy? Piece by piece, these social issues involve large social costs. In all these issues, social and behavioural factors play a crucial role. Insights into these factors are therefore badly needed to arrive at solutions. As ESSB, we work diligently to contribute to the solutions.
The financial boost provided by the Social and Behavioral Sciences Sector Plan (SSH) 'From insight to impact' has been used at ESSB to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration and reduce the workload in education. We also see this as an opportunity to use the insights arising from our fundamental research to generate societal impact. Watch here the explainer by the Dutch government (ENG subtitles)
ESSB is committed to three themes from the Social Sciences Sector Plan:
Societal transition and behavioural change
Quartermasters: Dr. Paul Kocken (behavioural science) and Prof. Dr. Jurian Edelenbos (public administration)Resilience in Youth
Quartermasters: Prof. Dr. Renske Keizer (sociologist) and Prof. Dr. Loes Keijsers (clinical child and family studies)Social inequality and diversity
Quartermasters: Prof. Dr. Jeroen van der Waal (sociology) and Prof. Dr. Nicole Lucassen (pedagogy)
ESSB is also involved in the university-wide Interdisciplinary AI, Innovation, work and wellbeing. In this, ESSB is pulling together with faculties ESPhil, ESHCC, ESL, ESE and RSM. This university-wide plan focuses on the social consequences of digitalisation and where the impact on work, prosperity and entrepreneurship is central.
Contact persons ESSB: Prof. Dr. Ferry Koster and Dr. Paul Kocken.
ESSB participation in the monodisciplinary theme Educational Sciences
Contact persons: Dr. Marieke Meeuwisse and Dr. Bjorn de Koning
New appointments - investment in infrastructure
The financial boost made it possible to recruit 25 University lecturers and post-docs. Besides the development of the themes, the additional human resources offer the possibility of reducing the current workload in teaching in particular.
There is also funding to facilitate Open Access and investments for research infrastructure such as in the Erasmus Behavioural Lab were made possible.

Dr. Lore van Praag
One of the new University lecturers Lore van Praag in an interview for Spark: 'I look forward to working with colleagues. For example, to do interdisciplinary research on sustainability, migration and exclusion.'