
2240 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • dr. (Wouter) WAH Spekkink
    **Wouter Spekkink is an Assistant Professor within the Department of Public Administration and Sociology since September 1st, 2019.** Wouter's research focuses…
  • Roles & responsibilities of IDEA Center
    The various initiatives will be developed, advocated, implemented and/or executed by the Chief Diversity Officer, manager, IDEA Center and project leads.
  • International Lecture Series DPAS
    Meeting international experts, learning from their knowledge and insights to inspire and stimulate new thinking within the Department of Public Administration…
  • dr. (Steven) SKA Verheyen
    Steven Verheyen is an Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Prior to working at Erasmus…
  • (Romina) R de Lima - van Gent
  • (Beitske) B Boonstra
    Dr. ir. Beitske Boonstra has expertise on active citizens and community initiatives in urban development and their interactions with (local) governments…
  • Youth & Family
    View educational programs involving researchers in the Youth and Family theme.
  • Youth & Family
    Stay up to date with our research on youth and family and contact us with questions.
  • Youth & Family
    Check out our interviews, podcasts, blogs and TV appearances where we discuss results of our research on youth and families.
  • dr. (Michiel) MC Boog
    Dr. Michiel Boog is a researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Antes (a mental healthcare organization in Rotterdam). At the Erasmus University…

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