
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Payment of tuition fees
    Procedures for payment of tuition fees, Consequences late payment, How to change the bank account number of the payment by 'Digital Authorization' method,
  • Public Issues & Imaginaries
    This page lists the mission, research, teaching and impact of the Public Issues & Imaginaries team. And which researchers are part of this team.
  • Complaint Regulation
    Students who are part of one of the various joint decision making bodies represent other students. It is important for them to know what is going on amongst…
  • Other bodies
    University Council The University Council (abbreviation in Dutch: Uraad) represents students and employees of the EUR on a central level. The Governing Board …
  • Committees on Education
    Public administration, Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences all have an education committee. These committees gather to discuss matters related to…
  • Faculty Council
    The Faculty Council (FC) serves to facilitate joint decision making at the faculty. Both the employees’ and students’ sections are represented with six chairs…
  • Policy, Politics & Society
    This page lists the mission, research, teaching and impact of the Policy, Politics & Society team. And which researchers are part of this team.
  • Governance & Pluralism
    This page lists the mission, research, teaching and impact of the Governance & Pluralism team. And which researchers are part of this team.
  • Organisation and Management
    This page lists the mission, research, teaching and impact of the Organisation and Management team. And which researchers are part of this team.
  • Educational Sciences
    This page lists the mission, research, teaching and impact of the Educational Sciences team. And which researchers are part of this team.

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