
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Lost / Stolen
    Oh no, has your student residence permit been lost or stolen?! Here’s what you have to do. File a police report.
  • FAQ
    Let us save you some time looking for answers: below are all the questions other international students ask most frequently about immigration matters.
  • Changes to permit
    In some cases, you might need to extend, change or update your residence permit. Are you: Staying in the Netherlands (NL) longer than expected?
  • Visa or residence permit
    Your nationality determines the immigration arrangements you need to take before coming to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Education & Students
    An excellent and inclusive educational experience; we strive to give all our students the same chances, during their academic studies as well as thereafter.
  • Tuition fees
    Compare the tuition fees charged by the various faculties, check out the figures and find information about tuition fees for EEA/EU and non-EEA/EU students.
  • Receiving visitors
    Are you a non-EU/EEA student living in the Netherlands with a student residence permit, and do you have a family member who would like to visit you here?
  • Work or internship
    On the lookout for a (side)job or internship? Great news that you’re thinking about your future by working on your career. As an international student you might
  • Vital Cities and Citizens
    How can a city give space to diversity and make citizens feel like they belong? How do residents deal with changes within their environment? What role does…
  • Learning the Dutch language
    If you are considering taking on a job in the Netherlands during or after your studies, it is recommended to know the basics of the Dutch language. Some knowled

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