The Faculty Council (FC) serves to facilitate joint decision making at the faculty. Both the employees’ and students’ sections are represented with six chairs in the council. The FC meets approximately once every two months and its meetings are public. The chairperson of the FC is part of the council and is chosen by its members. If the chairperson is chosen from the employees’ section, the vice-chair will automatically be chosen from the students’ section. The FC has the right to give advice and has various rights of consent. The budget of the faculty should, for example, always be approved by the FC. The FC also needs to give its consent with regard to the Education Programme, which is recorded in the Education Exam Regulation. In addition, decisions that have major consequences for the staff should always be approved by the FC. The rights of the FC can be read in the Faculty Regulation, which can be found on the Intranet. This applies to the agenda and the minutes as well.
Contact points
Subjects and suggestions that should be discussed in the FC can be submitted to the chairperson, the vice-chairperson or the secretary of the FC, or to the other FC members. Contact: or
Procedure for the recruitment and selection of student members in committees
The student section of the FC of ESSB (SGFR) is responsible for the nomination of student members of the management team and various boards and committees of the ESSB. For each selection it is vital that the right procedures are followed. Furthermore, a clear profile of the desired candidate is necessary. The procedure for the selection of the student member of the Management Team is aligned with the selection of the Commissioner Education of Cedo Nulli. Contact: