Available payment methods for payment of tuition fees are:
Easiest way to pay your Tuition Fees
TransferMate makes it easier and cheaper for international students to pay for their fees. TransferMate are here to help you pay your tuition fees without having to pay any additional fees or charges while giving you a competitive foreign exchange rate!
What are the benefits?
- A more streamlined payment process
- No international sender/receiver fees
- Great exchange rates
- 24 hour customer service from TransferMate
- 24 hour online tracking of payments
TransferMate lets you make international payments to us for free, without paying international banking charges while receiving competitive foreign exchange rates.
We think it’s a brilliant option! If you're an international student attending Erasmus University you can use this secure, fast method to make your tuition fee payments to us.
How it works?
Pay your fees via TransferMate using a simple 3 step process.
- Register on the secure TransferMate domain and enter your payment details, by clicking on TransferMate button below.
- You'll receive the exchange rate for that day, choose wire [bank] transfer or credit card as your payment method.
- Once funds are received by TransferMate, these funds are immediately transferred into our account from the TransferMate bank account in the Netherlands
Can I make a transaction in Euros?
TransferMate is designed to allow international students to make cross currency transactions free of charge at reduced rates of exchange, any same currency transactions will hold a €10 or equivalent amount charge to cover TransferMates base costs of performing this type of transaction.
If you want to pay the tuition fee via a bank transfer, indicate in Studielink how the payment will be performed (via Dutch or non-Dutch bank account), choose the option "other payment method". Have the tuition fee transferred to the bank account number:
- NL92ABNA0602496071, ABN-AMRO
in the name of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, mentioning your full name and student number. Make sure that we receive the payment before the start of the program (31 August). Please keep in mind that there might be additional costs for an international payment.
For money transfers performed from outside the Netherlands, the following payment information has to be provided as well:
- IBAN code: NL92ABNA0602496071
- BIC code: ABNANL2A
Please note: payment in installments is not available if you prefer this payment method of a bank transfer.
Do you know the amount of tuition fee you will have to pay? Pay your tuition fee online then. Be sure to pay before August 31st.
If you are not sure what the amount is you will have to pay, check the chatbot on our tuition fees page.
E.g parents, employer or scholarship/grant institution. This payment method is available in five different ways. Please see the five categories (A-E) down below.
Indicate in Studielink that the payment method will be "other payment method" and that someone else will pay. Have the tuition fee transferred to ABN-AMRO bank:
- NL92ABNA0602496071, ABN-AMRO
in the name of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, mentioning the students full name and student number.
For money transfers performed from outside the Netherlands, the following payment information has to be provided as well:
- NL92ABNA0602496071, ABN-AMRO
- BIC code: ABNANL2A
Make sure that we receive the payment before August 31st. Otherwise, you will not be officially enrolled for your program.
(Please note: there is a different deadline applicable for non-EEA students, who have to apply for an entry visa and/or residence permit).
Choose in Studielink the payment method ("other payment method" ) and fill out the details. After that, send an e-mail to the department of Tuition Tees via tfo.fis@eur.nl, stating that you have submitted an enrollment application and that the payment of the tuition fees is taken care of by (name of organisation which provides scholarship) before August 31st. In addition please always mention the following details:
- student number
- amount of tuition fee
- academic year (e.g. registration academic year 2024-2025)
- name of the scholarship/grant
If you want to pay the tuition fee via an invoice, choose in Studielink the payment method ("other payment method" ). In addition, please contact the ESSC to ask for an invoice. In addition please always mention the following details:
- student number
- address of where to send the invoice to
- tuition fee amount
- academic year (e.g. registration academic year 2024-2025)
Make sure to contact the ESSC to request for an invoice before the 1st of August and make sure that we receive the payment before August 31st.
(Please note: this doesn't apply to non-EEA students, who will have to apply for an entry visa and/or residence permit).
- In case someone else prefers to pay your tuition fees physically at the Erasmus Student Service Centre, please note that we do not accept cash payments. Payment is only possible by PIN or Credit Card. Also note: a payment in installments is not possible at the Erasmus Student Service Centre.
- If you choose to pay physically at the Erasmus Student Service Centre, you will have to choose the payment method 'via institution of higher education' in Studielink.
- Make sure that we receive your payment before August 31st. (Except for non-EEA students, who have to apply for an entry visa and/or residence permit).
A proof of payment of tuition fees (BBC) is a document showing that you have paid the statutory tuition fees at an educational institution in higher education.
Students who receive a student grant or loan from DUO only have to pay the statutory tuition fee once, in The Netherlands. Make sure that you request a “Proof of Payment of Tuition Fee-document”/“Bewijs van Betaald Collegegeld-document” (or BBC) on time from the Dutch educational institute to whom you've paid the statutory tuition fee to.
It is possible in Studielink to request a BBC from the educational institution where you have already paid, and to exchange it digitally with the educational institution where you want to pay. Whether the option of exchanging the BBC digitally is possible depends on the educational institution and whether it also supports it. EUR supports this option. Only if both educational institutions support this option can this exchange from the BBC be carried out digitally via Studielink.
Make sure that we receive your Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees before the start of your study program (31 August) with us. If you provide your Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees later than September 30, administrative costs may apply in some cases.
Students who pay the institutional rate at EUR do not receive a reduction or exemption and pay the full amount.
Follow the instructions at Studielink and choose for the option "other payment method".
In case you prefer to pay the tuition fees physically at the Erasmus Student Service Centre, please note that we do not accept cash payments. Payment is only possible by PIN or by Credit Card. A payment in installments is not possible if you're going to pay at the desks of the Erasmus Student Service Centre. Make sure that you've paid the tuition fee before the start of the program.
The invoicing for short or individual courses is provided by the faculty. Courses provided by HOVO will be charged by HOVO. Follow the instructions that you receive from the faculty or HOVO.
The payment of the tuition fee or premaster fee is one of the conditions you must fulfill to complete your registration for a study programme.
Your registration must be completed before the start of the programme. If your course starts in September, the payment must be received before August 31. If you don’t pay in time, you are not registered. In that case, your access to the educational systems will be blocked, you cannot borrow books from the library and study results cannot be registered. In addition, not being registered as a student means that you are not entitled to student finance or a student travel product.
If you pay the tuition fee by digital authorization in installments and the periodic debits cannot be collected in time, you will be notified to pay within a certain period. If you don’t pay within this certain period, access to the educational systems will be blocked (see the debtor protocol). Also, it is possible that study results will not be registered and that you are not entitled to student finance or a student travel product.
If the tuition fee is not paid on time, or cannot be collected, the debtor protocol of Erasmus University Rotterdam applies. You can also find information in the debtor protocol about when the tuition fee has to be paid and how to change an authorisation.
If the tuition fee is not paid on time, or cannot be collected, the debtor protocol of Erasmus University Rotterdam applies. You can also find information in the debtor protocol about when the tuition fee has to be paid and how to change an authorisation.
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