Other bodies

University Council

The University Council (abbreviation in Dutch: Uraad) represents students and employees of the EUR on a central level. The Governing Board (in Dutch: College van Bestuur) consults the University Council when decisions are made on main policies related to education, research and human resources. Within the University Council there are three main committees that discuss and check the policies of the Governing Board on a monthly basis and give their advice. In addition, the University Council has the right of initiative. It is allowed to submit a policy proposal to the Governing Board. The board is obliged to respond in a formal way.

Board councils / Management Consult of the faculty

The board councils of Public Administration and Sociology (Department of Public Administration and Sociology) and of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences (Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies) include student members. They represent the opinion of the student community. Affairs related to education and research are discussed in these councils, both in a general and in a case specific way. The student representative, supported by the educational committee, serves as a bridge between the educational director and the students.

The Management Consult of the faculty is chaired by the dean and includes a student member. The student member makes sure that the student opinion is voiced during meetings.

Cedo Nulli / Faculty Student Meeting

The faculty association Cedo Nulli is involved in joint decision making at the ESSB. The Commissioner Education dedicates his or her time to matters related to education at the ESSB.

The tasks of the Commissioner Education include: offering services such as summaries and old exams and guiding and stimulating joint decision making at the faculty. Furthermore, the Commissioner Education chairs the Student Consultative Body of the Faculty. During these meetings representatives of the various joint decision making organs of the ESSB discuss current affairs. Moreover, the Commissioner Education joins the Management Team as a student member (upon permission of the Faculty Council). In addition, the Commissioner Education is present during meetings of the Faculty Council.

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