
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Measuring daily life: Experience Sampling Method
    The objective of research using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM), also known as Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), is to measure individuals' feelings,
  • Opportunity disparity in education
    In drie vragen wordt de kern van het onderzoek naar kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs uitgelegd.
  • Creating public value
    We examine internal management of public organisations and their cooperation with civil society organisations, businesses and citizens.
  • Cities and inequality
    The theme of City and Inequality pays attention to changing classes, crime, diversity, citizenship and quality of life, among others.
  • Social security and labour market
    We examine social security and the labour market. We look in to policy, organisation, implementation and what changes in these have brought.
  • Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities
    BOLD Cities examines the consequences of digitisation and the rapid rise of data use in cities and the ethical and social issues involved.
  • Forensic and legal psychology
    With our research in forensic and legal psychology, we aim to contribute to (criminal) justice in various ways.
  • Wellbeing and Virtual Environments - WaVe Lab
    The Wellbeing and Virtual Environments Lab aims to encourage positive behavioural change and people's wellbeing with behavioural science, design and technology.
  • European Union and International Governance
    We do research on international politics and governance. How do governments and organisations respond to issues as the debate hardens and polarises?
  • Societal recognition
    As social scientists, we have a social responsibility. We are not only interested in how society works and why society changes. We are also concerned with theā€¦

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