
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Honours programmes
    Erasmus Honours Programme Besides the regular programmes, the EUR annually offers two exclusive programmes to talented bachelor students. The Erasmus Honours…
  • Family Solidarity
    Our research revolves around family solidarity. We investigate how a country's economy, culture or policies affect dependencies within families.
  • Effective and Efficient Learning Environments
    Educational psychology research on how people learn and perform best. We aim to create effective and efficient learning environments.
  • Participation, community-based initiatives and social entrepreneurship
    Research on civic participation, community-based initiatives and forms of social entrepreneurship. We combine public administration with other disciplines.
  • Practical matters
    Practical matters, in addition to everything you need to know about the content of your study. How much tuition will you pay? How to register for a study? Where…
  • Organisational Dynamics in the Digital Society (ODDS)
    Researchers of Organisational Dynamics in the Digital Society study the impact of technological change on the organisation and perception of work.
  • Exchange
    Come and study in Rotterdam, The Netherlands!
  • ESSB Virtual Information Sessions
    Due to the coronavirus, our physical events for prospective students have been cancelled. We understand that making the right study choice is difficult,…
  • Collaboration
    ESSB collaboration
  • Prizes and Accomplishments
    Erkenning van excellente wetenschappers en wetenschappelijk onderzoek bij de Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

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