
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • About the Chair
    A tribute  The Professor Dr J.A.A. van Doorn Chair is a tribute to Jacques van Doorn, founder of the department of Sociology at the former Nederlandse…
  • Joint decision making
    Joint decision making means that various stakeholders are able to participate in discussions on important topics. At the ESSB students, either in a group or…
  • History
    Faculty of Social Sciences 1963 - It is important to record and tell the history of the Faculty of Social Sciences*. Thus, the current situation of the…
  • Information for the media
    For media requests and for public performances
  • Erasmus Institute on Culture and Stratification
    With social conflict and group differences we look at how groups view controversial issues, why that is so and how that drives their actions.
  • Cognitive processes of conspiracy theories
    Our research on cognitive processes of conspiracy theories looks at how people process mis- and disinformation and how this influences conspiracy thinking.
  • Movez Lab
    The Movez Lab connects research, education and society. The lab investigates how everyday media use helps young people to live healthy and happy lives.
  • Erasmus SYNC lab
    The Erasmus SYNC lab researches the development of the brain in adolescents. The research is interdisciplinary, inclusive, open and has societal impact.
  • Spark
    Spark is a magazine for students, alumni, employees and (international) relations. With the magazine, ESSB pays attention to the positive impact that education…
  • Impact corona crisis
    The corona crisis is having a major impact on our society. Within the faculty, researchers from various disciplines are working together to better map out the…

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