
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Managing complex issues
    This research contributes to better management of complex issues such as climate change.
  • Research
    De Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences presenteert onderzoek en onderzoekers aan de hand van maatschappelijke thema's.
  • Playing with Complexity in an Infrastructural Environment
    'Playing with Complexity in an Infrastructure Environment' looks at how to deal with challenges such as sustainability through integral and spatial design.
  • Intimate relationships, love and sexuality
    The Erasmus Love Lab performs scientific research on intimate relationships, love, and sexuality. Read more about our research.
  • Racial Capitalism
    With our research on Racial Capitalism, we look at how people are divided through colonial difference, class, race and gender.
  • Experimental Public Administration
    Experimental public administration is the study of public administration issues with experiments, seeking possible effects of (policy) interventions.
  • Governance of biodiversity restoration, sustainable behavior, and conservation of natural resources
    Using design methods, the researchers from the theme of governance and sustainable behaviour aim to make concrete impact on sustainability.
  • Migration and diversity policy
    This research aims to better understand the dynamics of migration and diversity policies at several policy levels and from a comparative perspective.
  • Anti-discrimination policy
    We research the emergence of patterns of discrimination and racism. With our knowledge, we aim to contribute to anti-discrimination and anti-racism policies.
  • Design as research method
    Researchers specialize in the design method. Using probes, personas and mapping, we gain insight into factors that perpetuate problems

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