
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Motivation, stress and engagement
    We examine what factors influence motivation in the workplace. We look at work and organizational characteristics and stress and engagement.
  • Differences between people in organisations
    We examine how human differences are related to, among other things, a person's work motivation, performance and stress resilience.
  • Better policies with behavioural sciences
    We explore the connection between behavioural sciences and governance and policy. Thus, we show how behavioural science can contribute to policy-making.
  • Implementation
    With the research theme Implementation, we examine the tenability of policy assumptions about behavioural influence.
  • Global Development
    The research theme Global Development looks at the effectiveness of development aid and the relationship between institutions, organisations and development.
  • Applied Research Methods and Statistics
    Staff in the Applied Research Methods and Statistics research group specialise in advanced statistical methods and techniques.
  • Mental health of the youth
    We study emotional, cognitive and behavioral problems and try to understand why some children and adolescents develop problems and others do not.
  • Welcome to the Erasmus Behavioural Lab
    The Erasmus Behavioural Lab (EBL) is the experimental research laboratory for all behavioural research at Erasmus University.
  • Digital education opportunities and implications
    Research on opportunities and implications of digital education looks at digital technologies in the fields of teaching, learning and the education system
  • Erasmus Institute for emotional disorders and affective science
    We conduct experimental research on how behaviour and cognitive and neurobiological processes influence each other and contribute to anxiety and depression.

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