
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Welcome to our 2024-2025 course guide!
    You can look into our offer of courses and workshops in the academic year 2024-2025
  • Academic teams
    Bekijk de verschillende wetenschappeljke teams bij ESSB.
  • Center for Substance use and Addiction Research – CESAR
    We investigate which factors lead to substance use and addiction. Here, we focus on the interaction between brain, behaviour and environment.
  • Governance in the network society
    How can you best address complex issues? With our research "Governance in the Network Society," we answer that question through in-depth analysis.
  • Older migrants
    We examine how various groups of migrants experience their old age. Central to our research are 'loneliness', 'family solidarity' and 'culture-specific care'.
  • Urban diversity
    In this research theme, we take a systematic and comparative look at how cities deal with migration and migration-related diversity.
  • Personality disorders
    Our research focuses on improving the quality of life of people with personality disorders.
  • Governance in transition
    In GOVLAB010, science and practice come together at the intersection of governance, policy and organisational development to conduct research and learning.
  • New ways of working
    How are organizations changing and what impact does this have on workers, citizens and organizational outcomes? This explores the theme of new ways of working.
  • Migration and integration
    With the theme of migration and integration, we explore why migrants come to the Netherlands and how they, with all their different backgrounds, find their way.

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