Aalt-Jan Smits is the winner of the 2024 Lambers Student Excellence Award. The former master’s student at both Erasmus School of Law and Erasmus School of Economics was presented the award medal during the Dies Natalis ceremony on Friday, 8 November. ARK Fonds of Erasmus Trustfonds sponsored the award, which has a monetary value of 3,500 euros.
Smits graduated with the distinction Cum Laude in Financial Law (LL.M.) from Erasmus School of Law in 2023. An intensive period of study resulted in a comparative law master's thesis on settlement conditions for European and UK central counterparties (CCPs), a type of financial institution with an important role in financial markets. Smits published an article version of his thesis in Tijdschrift Financieel Recht in de Praktijk (FRP), a legal journal focusing on understanding developments within the field of financial law.
An extraordinary honour
Smits' excellent study results were also no exception in the second master's degree he completed in 2023. Thus, he also managed to complete the Master's in Economics & Business Economics (M.Sc.) at Erasmus School of Economics cum laude, specialising in Financial Economics. In the thesis for this master's, Smits examined the relationship between board leadership structure and corporate ESG performance.
Smits about winning the award. 'In the intellectually stimulating environment that the Erasmus University Rotterdam offers, with numerous excellent academics (to be), winning the Lambers Student Excellence Award 2024 is an extraordinary honour.'

According to Smits, it is not unusual for Rotterdam students to pursue multiple master’s studies. He explains the advantages this choice has given him. “For me personally, the economic way of thinking during the studies at Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) provided a rational fundament for legal reflections in the studies at Erasmus School of Law (ESL), as the discipline of financial law is characterized by having the diverse economic relations between different actors on financial markets as its focal point.” The synthesis of perspectives and the corresponding open-mindedness is, Smits explains, in the spirit of the namesake of the University, as can be read in 'Praise of Folly'. “Professor H.W. Lambers upheld this Erasmian open-mindedness as well.”
The jury is very pleased with the candidate's broad orientation, given the choices in master's studies: ‘Smits is the rightful winner of the Lambers Student Excellence Award because he knows to combine his intelligence with hard work, and how to combine independence with productive discussions. He has also proven to have a unique research talent during his studies and has already published several impressive publications.’
Balance between strategy of the bank and interests of the stakeholder
Smits is currently pursuing a PhD at the Erasmus School of Law and is affiliated with the International Center for Financial Law & Governance (ICFG), where he conducts research on financial regulation and governance. “My doctoral research is concentrated on the role of business models of banking on financial markets. The business model of banking is the combination of the activities and the funding of a bank.” Smits explains that global financial markets are subject to change due to societal developments in climate, demography and deglobalization. “Banking institutions are frequently seen as driving force behind these developments, while banking institutions are (usually) for-profit private enterprises which have to take into account a diverse set of stakeholders, including shareholders. The business model of banking constitutes the balance between the strategy of the bank and the interests of the stakeholders, among which is society at large. These two elements and therefore business models are constantly changing, which the research aims to further examine', according to Smits.
About the Lambers Student Excellence Award
To stimulate student excellence, the Professor H.W. Lambers Student Excellence Award is presented annually to an excellent student who has performed exceptionally well in her or his study career at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
- PhD student
- More information
For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Erasmus School of Economics and Erasmus School of Law, email: rdegroot@ese.eur.nl, telephone: +31 6 53 641 846.
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