
By invitation only
Piet Sanders lecture series 2022

Workshop PE and sustainability

Thursday 3 November - 12.00 - 13.00
lecture room 1.10 (Sanders building)

Juergen Pinker (Private Equity Group)
Juergen Pinker is a Senior Managing Director in the Private Equity Group and is based in London. Mr. Pinker focuses primarily on the Industrials, Chemicals and Building Materials sectors and leads Blackstone’s investment activities in the energy & natural resources sector in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In addition, Mr Pinker oversees Blackstone’s investment activities in the German speaking regions.

Gerbrand Haverkamp (World Benchmarking Alliance)
Gerbrand Haverkamp is responsible for the direction and daily operations of the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). He believes that society won’t progress unless companies align their business with societal interest. According to Haverkamp all of us should have a say on how we want companies to shape our lives and the world around us. Gerbrand Haverkamp originally founded Index Initiative, one of WBA’s founding partners, where he led the global consultation on the WBA. Prior to this Haverkamp worked for the Dutch Government in the areas of inclusive business, sustainable agricultural supply chains and food security.

Walking Lunch

Thursday 3 November - 13.00-14.15

Workshop Fund labelling

Thursday 3 November - 14.30-15.30
lecture room 1.11 (Sanders building)

Masja Zandbergen-Albers (Robeco)
Masja Zandbergen is Head of Sustainability integration and coordinates the Sustainable Investing Client Portfolio Management team at Robeco. Previously, she has been working as a Research Analyst covering financials, IT and Nordic stocks. Since 2003 she also specialised in Sustainability Investing. Prior to joining Robeco, Masja held had roles as Portfolio Manager and Responsible Investment Specialist at her own company and Head of Equity at Syntrus Achmea.

Gert Dijkstra (APG Asset Management)
Gert Dijkstra is Senior Managing Director at APG Asset Management, responsible for Global Networks and Peers and for Investing in the Netherlands. At APG Asset Management he fulfilled several positions such as Manager Business Development, Legal & Tax and Program Manager for the implementation of a new multi-client fund structure. Prior to working for APG Asset Management, he made his career in management consulting and interim management, specialised in strategic marketing and corporate strategy & finance. Most of his experience lies in the financial sector and the food sector.

Workshop Comparison of ISSB and EFRAG

Thursday 3 November - 15.45-17.00
lecture room 1.10 (Sanders building)

Erik Peek (Rotterdam School of Management)
Erik Peek is Professor of Financial Reporting & Valuation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He conducts research in the areas of financial analysis, accounting and valuation, earnings forecasting, and international financial accounting. He has published articles in major academic journals and is the co-author of the textbook Business Analysis and Valuation: IFRS Edition.

Simon Braaksma (vice chair and member of EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board)
Simon Braaksma is Senior Director Group Sustainability at Philips International B.V. His responsibilities include internal and external reporting on Philips’ sustainability performance, ESG investor relations and the climate strategy of the company. Braaksma is also Vice Chair and Member of EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board.

Social Drinks

Thursday 3 November - 17.00-17.45

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