About Robert G. Eccles

Piet Sanders lecture series 2022

Robert G. Eccles is the world's foremost expert on integrated reporting and a leader on how companies and investors can create sustainable strategies. He is Visiting Professor of Management Practice at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. 

  • Previously he was Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School. From the beginning of his career as an academic and practitioner, Robert G. Eccles has always been dedicated to turning theory into practice. One of his most significant current efforts in this regard is 'The Statement of Significant Audiences and Materiality Campaign' in collaboration with the American Bar Association’s 'Task Force on Sustainable Development', the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment, and the UN Global Compact. The goal of this campaign is that, by 2025, the board of directors of every listed company will publish 'The Statement.' In doing so, they will demonstrate the extent to which the company views its role in society to be one of supporting sustainable development for the long-term interests of shareholders. This will help to make sustainability core to both companies and investors.

    robert geccles

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