
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • COVID-19 and Twitter: What was communicated? What was not?
    1-1-1 When did you realise that your life had changed completely because of SARS-CoV-2? Was it in March 2020? Or…
  • The new generation in conversation with STUDIOVEGTER
    Loes Julicher, alumna of the EUR Fashion Industry Minor and events manager of student association the New Fashion Society had the honor to interview Susanne…
  • Blog posts
    COVID-19 and Twitter: What was communicated? What was not? color-1 Blog post Read the article …
  • COVID-19: In times of a global pandemic, be aware of the right communication feeds
    1-1-1 After China, South Korea, Iran and Italy many countries around the world have been heavily hit by the…
  • Get in touch
    The TRESCA consortium would like to hear from you! If you have any questions, thoughts, or opportunities to connect you would like to share with us, please use…
  • Chat with ESHCC Alumni
    Do you want to learn from the experiences of our (international) alumni? How did they prepare for coming to study in Rotterdam and what for useful tips can they
  • Consortium and Partners
    A well-coordinated and closely managed consortium is the cornerstone for the success of the TRESCA project. Importantly, the established partnerships within the…
  • Work Plan
    The TRESCA project is divided into seven interconnected work packages (WPs). Each work package of the TRESCA project has a distinct role to realise the defined…
  • About TRESCA
    Post-truth, fake news and misinformation are internet-age phenomena that raise suspicion of the credibility and reliability of (scientific) information. While…
  • Contact
    Contact For questions or inquiries on Crafting Future Urban Economies,…

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