
2567 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Decision
    You’re now almost at the point of making a final choice. Check once more if the information you’ve collected matches the impression you made for yourself. If you
  • Exploration
    In this phase, you’ll take a more focused look at the programmes you find interesting and about which you would like to know more. You’ll collect further
  • Deepen understanding
    After the exploration phase it is time to go into further depth about a study. In principle, after this phase, you’ll be ready to make a final choice.
  • Orientation
    In the orientation phase, you search for information about studying in general. But to determine what to study, you need to know what is important to you.
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
    ERMeCC Research Theme Within this theme we conduct research on a wide variety of topics dealing with the economic and entrepreneurial dimensions of the…
  • Digital Communication, Media and International Business
    ERMeCC Research Theme Digital communication has greatly impacted international business and the media business in particular. Digitization and globalization…
  • Media Technologies, Users and Effects
    ERMeCC Research Theme In the past decades, producers of digital media content have been increasingly adopting strategies of media convergence, interaction and…
  • RoomPlaza
    As a smart housing platform choice for international students, RoomPlaza meets supply & demand of
  • Diversity and Identity in Media and Culture
    ERMeCC Research Theme The growing international diffusion, exchange, and intermingling of cultural goods and media products is an evident manifestation of…
  • Download proof of enrolment
    Once you have completed all the steps of admissions and enrolment you may want to download a proof of enrolment. A hard copy of it will be sent to your postal…

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