
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • About the Crafting Future Urban Economies project
    Research Projects This NWO-funded VIDI project studies the potential of local craftsmanship and making practices to support a shift towards…
  • Useful for following online education
    In order to use the online facilities which EUR offers for studying and taking exams, the following facilities are required: A laptop or desktop computer…
  • Results Case Studies on the European Fashion Heritage Association (EUR)
    During the entire course, five groups of students worked on a case study on the European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA). In the first week, Marco Rendina,…
  • BOHOBOCO its value proposition and vision on trends in fashion
    The Entrepreneurship and Creativity in Fashion course has been created in cooperation with You’ll marketing agency, represented by its founder Joanna…
  • Fashion Museums and Archives
    During the Heritage and Fashion course students attended two guest lectures given by Sonnet Stanfill (senior fashion curator, Victoria & Albert Museum, London)…
  • Results business model TRAVELOT (GUT)
    During the course, students learned to use the business model canvas or lean canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur 2010; Maurya, 2011), which is an engineering approach…
  • Sustainability and fashion behind the scenes
    The course Sustainability & fashion behind the scenes was developed at Paris Dauphine University – PSL in 2020 as a result of the research launched within…
  • Blended Leaning in Qualitative Data Analysis Improving Student Knowledge and Skills
  • Output
    Over the course of the next few years, we will strive to disseminate the findings of the project Crafting Future Urban Economies in a variety of formats,…
  • News from the team
    Olga Koretskaya co-authored a report for Energy SHIFTS: “100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for renewable energy in Horizon Europe”

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