Chat with ESHCC Alumni

Do you want to learn from the experiences of our (international) alumni? How did they prepare for coming to study in Rotterdam and what for useful tips can they share with you?

What are they doing now after they have graduated from the Erasmus University? Just select a course and find our alumni.

They will be happy to answer your questions! Do you want to chat with our currents students? Please check out our 'Chat with our students' page. 

Find out more about life after graduation from our alumni Tessa, Claudia, Christina, Alise and Amy.  

Current position: Assistant Brand Manager Conimex

Hi there! I studied Media & Communication as a bachelor, took a gap year in Rotterdam to gain work experience (board year + side jobs) and then did the Media & Business master the year after. I lived in Rotterdam during my student life and recently moved to Amsterdam. I work for Unilever where I have had both a sales and marketing function. Happy to help with any questions! 

Current position: Global Internal Communications Specialist

Born and raised in Italy, I moved to the Netherlands for the Media & Business (MA) course in 2016. Thanks to my Master's thesis supervisor, I stumbled upon the world of internal communications and employee engagement, and haven't looked back since. Right now, I'm a Global Internal Communications Specialist at TomTom, where I focus on people communications and engagement, employee experience, and employer branding.

Current position: Content Marketing Analyst

Working as a Content Marketing Analyst for a scale up called Global Savings Group. My every day tasks include writing compelling content for SEO purposes, analysing the marketing performance of over 25 brands and analysing brands’ data in order to help them gain more revenue via their affiliate marketing activity.

Current position: Business Development Specialist

I am Alise, and since 2012 I have been living, studying, and working in the Netherlands. I moved here from Riga, Latvia, right after finishing high school (literally within a month), and lived in The Hague for several years while studying Bachelor International Communication Management at THUAS. After graduating, I worked for a few years in several large and medium-sized international organizations until I realized that all I wanted to do was to study again. This brought me back to EUR, where I had already worked once before, for Premaster's and Master's programs and for the last couple of years Rotterdam has been my home! Now that I have my MA in Media & Business I am working in Amsterdam for a creative tech company and learning a lot about this industry. My ultimate dream is to work in higher education sector, with and for students.

Current position: HR & Recruitment

After completing my media studies at the University I started working in HR. After switching to communications, I’m currently working as communication advisor in the health care industry.

Find out more about life after graduation from our alumni Ulisses, Palesa and Josien.  

Current position: Communication & Content Manager

I am active in the fields of communication and public relations. I have worked for both the public and private sectors - in Brazil and the Netherlands - and I am interested in technology, arts, people and all forms of knowledge.


I am a former South African journalist , with a Masters in Media, Culture and Society at Erasmus. Future plans include help changing the world through a life in academia and journalism. When the world is changed for the better, I am likely to retreat into farm life.

Current position: Online Campaigner

Hi! I'm Josien. In 2019 I finished the Master Media, Culture and Society at the Erasmus University. My Bachelor was Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam. I work in politics as an online campaigner. Ask me anything :)

Find out more about life after graduation from our alumni Fonne & Kelly. 

Current position: Teacher in Dutch

I graduated from Erasmus University this past spring. Right now I work as a teacher at Zadkine (the programs Wentink Event Academy and Sportmarketing) in Rotterdam.

Huidige functie: Adviseur Communicatie & Kennisbenutting

Hi! Ik ben Kelly, een alumni van Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Voel je vrij om alle vragen die je hebt aan mij te stellen! Bijvoorbeeld over de master Media & Journalistiek, het leven na afstuderen en het zoeken naar een baan :)

Find out more about life after graduation from our alumni Mariëlle, Joyce and Alysa.

Current position: Projectmanager Sustainability

Hi! I'm Mariëlle and I'm from Rotterdam. I work as a projectmanager sustainability for the municipalities Uithoorn and Ouder-Amstel. That's pretty far from Rotterdam, but thanks to Corona, it's doable because I've been working from home since March. I love my job, but I also have a life besides work. I love to go out for walks with my mom's dog (she's the cutest) and to spend time with my friends. We often plan trips, like going to different thriftstores in the Netherlands or going to the beach. There is so much more I could tell about myself, but let's first meet!

Current position: Risk & Crowd Service Manager

With over a decade of experience working on major dance festivals I can help you understand all parts that come into play in such productions. For example the ins and outs regarding permits and crowd management. Studied media & entertainment, arts media & culture and media & culture (MA). So I can also answer all your questions about these studies and all the partying that goes along with it. Currently living in Rotterdam.

Find out more about life after graduation from our alumnus Nicky. 

Current position: Video Content Manager

Hi! I'm an alumnus of the Communication and Media program. I'm half Dutch and half Moluccan, and I used to do bilingual VWO and the IB English program during my time in high school. During my BA I did an internship at a newspaper company and after that I went on exchange to San Francisco. Upon graduation, I enrolled in the Master: Media & Creative Industries. Besides my studies, I work as a content manager for het Algemeen Dagblad, and as Student Assistant to my study program. During my time in IBCoM, I used to be an ambassador, IBCoMpanion, exchange mentor, and blogger for the IBCoMagazine. Having so many extracurricular opportunities (besides being able to an internship and go on exchange) are some of the amazing features of this study program! Don't hesitate to ask me anything :)

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